Hello dear support team,
I’ve been looking in the documentation for for all possible options for the design elements – the gd_shortcodes.
Maybe i can’t find it’s because I don’t know the correct English keyword when searching for it. But I have surely read the documentation several times and find only this site to the design elements.
These are some examples but the available options are not all described.
E.g. gd_categories. There I can now call the categories of a cpt after the update. example [gd_categories post_type=’gd_health’]
But I can’t find any documentation on it. There must be an option for headings inbeetween the cpts as well, but i don’t know the syntax for that.
So with all the other gd_ design elements as well I don’t know which option possibilities still exist. I would like to know everything about the hidden power of design elements.
Is there a page or even examples for all options of the design elements?
Best regards, Markus