Directory Converter Plugin for PhpMyDirectory Logo Image Issue
This topic contains 30 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Matt Goodwin 4 years, 11 months ago.
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February 27, 2020 at 5:14 pm #532621
I converted all my PHPMyDirectory listings successfully but the images were not linked correctly so I moved the images in from the PMD folder (files/images) to the new WP location (uploads/2020/01). These image files are numbered in sequence. But now the former “Logo images” are not correct. The PMD logo images are in a different folder (files/logo) and again they are in number sequence. If I upload those to the uploads/2020/01 folder they will overwrite the other images. For example in PMD folder “images/ there is an image file “1.jpg” – In the logo folder logo/ there is also a 1.jpg.I have 400 listings or so that have logo images (featured images).
Any ideas how to get around this easily?
February 27, 2020 at 5:47 pm #532632Hi Matt Goodwin,
Thanks for your post. Could you please share your Website URL here in question along with some screenshots of the said issue? Also, please elaborate a little bit so that we know what you’re referring to.
February 27, 2020 at 7:30 pm #532660Rename the images on your desktop with a program, then read out the new names with the same or a different program.
Once you have a list of the names in a text file you can merge that back into your listing export CSV.February 27, 2020 at 7:33 pm #532661Hi,
The site can be seen at
I really can’t think of any screenshots that would be helpful.
The images and logo images are from a backup of the old PHPMyDirectory website. The images are in files/images and the logo images are in files/logo.
When using PHPMyDirectory and add images they rename the image file automatically in both folders and rename each one with a number starting at 1.jpg, then the next image you add is 2.jpg and so on. The problem is that this happened in each of the two folders so if I try to upload them into a single WP folder like uploads/2020/01 the first set of uploads will be fine, but then when I try to upload the second PMD folder of images they will end up overwriting the images I previously uploaded.
February 27, 2020 at 10:43 pm #532693Hi Alex,
Not sure if I understand what you mean. The images are already linked to each listing. Both in the PMD site and the WP site.
A good example would be here: – at the bottom of the page there is a listing for Ripley Falls in Harts Location NH. The photo you see there is wrong. Its the inside of a cruise ship on Lake Winnipesaukee that was used in a different listing that PMD numbered 369.jpg. The image file is located here: I upload the images from the PMD folder for logos ( it will show the correct image but then it will overwrite the image where it is used correctly here: (its the 14th image in the top display).
So the images on the new GD website are linked to the same image already. I would need to change the file name, or probably easier to change the folder name so I could just upload both 369.jpg images, one in each folder for them to appear correctly.
February 27, 2020 at 10:48 pm #532695Yes, download the images and rename them on your desktop. Then export the listings, change the image file names in the CSV, then upload both.
February 28, 2020 at 9:31 pm #532844Ok, so this will need to be done manually to each of the 400 images, and manually to each of the 400 listings in the exported csv file?
Just want to be sure I am understand this correctly before I do this amount of work.
February 29, 2020 at 12:43 am #532878Have you already tested the import with an image that has the same filename?
February 29, 2020 at 1:33 am #532883The import, meaning the PMD conversion import? All I have done so far is convert the PMD database and moved over the images from PMD in the files>images folder. This is what gave me all the wrong logo (featured) images. When I looked into it deeper I realized what was going on. I then checked the PMD folder files>logo and saw those were also numbered in sequence 1-400 so I know these will want to overwrite the images from files>images I brought over to the GD site since they all have the same file names.
February 29, 2020 at 7:44 am #532894No, sorry, let me give you some additional information.
GD has an import/export feature built into it.
So, you would use that to export your listings, then change the logo filename. Then you would import the listings again.
After that you would load your logo images, renamed, to the correct folder.
You can read about the import/export feature here: can find programs online to rename files in a directory. You would want to put all your logo images in a folder and rename them. Then another desktop tool can probably give you a text file with all the filenames in it. You would use that list of filenames to populate the CSV.
It will take some manual work, yes, but hopefully not a lot of it.
February 29, 2020 at 2:33 pm #532929Thanks Alex! Just for future reference if anyone else runs into this..
I changed the image file names manually using my Windows desktop folder view and changed the window settings under “Change Your View” to “Details”. From there I just used copy/paste to add the same prefix to each image. The tab button brings you down the list and automatically puts you into edit file name mode. It only took me about 30 minutes to edit 400 image file names.
February 29, 2020 at 5:09 pm #532931I downloaded the export CSV file from the WordPress admin at GeoDirectory>Settings>Import/Export. When I opened the file I found that the PMD logo images that should be used for the GD featured image was actually linked correctly to the proper image file. They are linked to /files/logo/___.jpg in the database. Just for testing I moved the files/logo and files/images folders to the WP directory where my WordPress installation is, that did not work. I know it was a long shot but I tried it anyway. I then went to “Places” on the public side of the site and checked the featured image location to see where it was getting the images from. It says wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ – So I am a bit confused why the database appears to be linking correctly but what is being displayed is different.
I looked through the CSV extensively to see if maybe these images were coming from somewhere else. I searched for the file name (ie: 138.jpg, 140.jpg, 165.jpg, etc) but all searches only produced one result, not two as I expected.
February 29, 2020 at 5:19 pm #532936Sorry if this is posting multiple times. It is not appearing on my end…
I downloaded the export CSV file from the WordPress admin at GeoDirectory> Settings> Import/Export. When I opened the file I found that the PMD logo images that should be used for the GD featured image was actually linked correctly to the proper image file. They are linked to /files/logo/___.jpg in the database. Just for testing I moved the files/logo and files/images folders to the WP directory where my WordPress installation is, that did not work. I know it was a long shot but I tried it anyway. I then went to “Places” on the public side of the site and checked the featured image location to see where it was getting the images from. It says wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ – So I am a bit confused why the database appears to be linking correctly but what is being displayed is different.
I looked through the CSV extensively to see if maybe these images were coming from somewhere else. I searched for the file name (ie: 138.jpg, 140.jpg, 165.jpg, etc) but all searches only produced one result, not two as I expected.
February 29, 2020 at 5:20 pm #532937screenshots…
February 29, 2020 at 7:29 pm #532944Hi Matt,
Thanks for your reply. Could you please share your Website WP admin access and along with your FTP access here in private reply. I’d like to check and see if the images are in the correct folder.
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