Double Opt-In for registration

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mb 9 years ago.

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  • #126897

    Post count: 151

    Hi support,

    I found some support posts related to the double opt-in for registration, reading also about your decision to take it off to simplify the process.

    But, here comes the BUT…

    In Germany, double opt-in is requested by the law. So, we cannot operate the project if we do not have double opt-in when a user registers on the website.

    Could you be so helpful to point me, where is the code controlling the double opt-in so we can deal further with a dev and make the change to allow WP to send the confirmation email?

    And I am pleasing you to add the option to choose Double-Opt in or Not for registrations somewhere in the plugin options.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 2

    We were able to use another WordPress plugin to force WP to send confirmation emails with verification links before the users account becomes active.

    The plugin we are using is called Ultimate Member; the free version includes this functionality. One thing to be aware of is that it has it’s own login/member page system. We have been able to integrate it pretty seamlessly with GeoDirectory, but our use case may be a bit different than yours.

    If this plugin doesn’t work for you I would assume it would be pretty easy to find another plugin which suited your needs without having to modify GeoDirectory.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Please also see:

    You can use any register/login form that you want, you are not forced to use the GD default login/register system.



    Post count: 151

    Thanks vbrigade and paolo for the suggestions.

    I am aware of these plugins. As our aim is too keep the website as light as possible and have all server resources for GD, we escape any extra plugin installs.

    We install extra plugins if they provide additional functionality necessary for our project (like the Social Login for example), but we stay away from this practice if we need to go around a functionality in GD and prefer a more direct approach that saves extra files load and extra unnecessary code.

    Please, value my question and guide me where to find the necessary code in the GD files. I would like kindly to ask to consider with the devs a checkbox in GD back-end to activate a double opt-in.

    paolo, I know that you are very busy. We by ourselves have to handle many support requests for our SaaS projects, but you also have international clients that create and operate projects under different country laws. Such a checkbox will help them a lot on a regular basis.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    if there were no plugins to help you solve this and most country had a similar law, this would have be done already. But it is not the case.

    We have several German users and nobody ever requested for geoDirectory to be changed to accomodate this.

    Please submit a feature request here:

    If many other members will vote for it we will definitely consider it.

    Thank you,


    Post count: 151

    Hi paolo,

    I cannot draw a conclusion or a final how others in Germany are leading their projects with GD. Did they contacted a consultant to give details for each case – is it a free project, is it a commercial project, is it a community project…, what are the necessary regulations for each case, do they differ, etc. Are they gonna try to follow these instructions or just hope nobody will check? These are questions to consider out of our scope.

    I can speak for our practice that we are doing it 100% on the safe side.

    Thank you for the suggestion to submit a request. I visited the URL but I cannot see how to submit a new request. Should I wait the new month to start and get my 5 votes again, or this is not related to submitting a new request?

    Finally, we decided to create a small plugin that will do what we need and we found where the necessary code lays. Thanks anyway.

    @vbrigade – ultimate member is one of my favs plugins but unfortunately right now it is not considered in our project. We have several WP installs (one of them is based on GD) which are connected with automated user sync. We have to do quite some extra tests to be sure UM will do great for this structure.


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