Dummy Data: Insert sample data please –> nothing happens, javascript:void(0);

This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  robinton 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    I’m running GeoDirectory 1.5.6 on WordPress 4.4.2 / Genesis2.2.6 / Dynamik 1.6. I’m in the early stages of setup, following the installation tutorial.

    On the Dummy Data tab of the General page, When I hover over the “Insert sample data please” button, “javascript:void(0);” appears in the lower left of the screen. The same thing happens with the Event Dummy Data tab.

    I downloaded, unzipped and FTP’d the dummy data linked to on —


    — but that made no difference, which isn’t surprising if there’s a JavaScript error.

    Note: I get the same result (not always with the JavaScript error reported) on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. All are JavaScript-enabled and handle good scripts just fine.



    Post count: 29970

    I guess you have tried clicking on the “insert sample data” link?
    There is no javascript error, “javascript:void(0);” just means it is not linking to another page but to a script.

    If you need us to have a look, post your URL and WP admin data in a private reply and we will have a look at your setup if you like.


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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    In console you were getting this error when clicking the insert dummy data button:

    ReferenceError: geodir_autoinstall is not defined
    Line 1

    That’s because your default location is empty. You probably activated the location manager before creating one.


    1 disable the location manager
    2 create the default location
    3 re-activate the location manager

    At that point you will be able to add dummy data.



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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    1) that would be a question for your theme author. GD doesn’t add dates in menus.

    2) I belive you don’t need another plugin to manage Jobs listings, GD with custom fields shold be more than enough.



    Expired Member
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You are welcome 🙂


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    Please check now, I removed


    from your theme compatibility settings.
    Most themes are designed for a single line of menu items only.


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    That CSS was part of the theme compatibility settings at GD > Theme compatibility > Genesis_custom > Required CSS.
    The Genesis_custom Theme Compatibility Pack is a copy of the Genesis Theme Compatibility Pack with that CSS removed. I did not comment it out, but removed it, so that is why you only find it in the original Genesis Theme Compatibility Pack.
    When you use the code inspector of your browser, you can see in which file the CSS is that you want to change: step 5 on the images at https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/customizing-your-style/

    Can you give URLs of where you want to change these other styles and any other pointers, so I can inspect the code?


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    What it comes down to is this: They’d like to be able to control ALL the fonts and layout styles within GeoDirectory. Our question is, WHERE do we go to change them?

    That would need to be done just the same as any other CSS. Most fonts are controlled by the theme, not GD.
    You can go Appearance > customize > Typography, that might do some of the fonts, but the rest would be CSS.

    About the difference in H3 style on the events and the search page. If you inspect the code, you can see that somehow the events page is calling a bootstrap css file which is not being called by GD. And the search page is not. I am not quite sure whether the theme or another plugin is calling that.

    Re the login widget, use the inspector to find the CSS, that also will show you were the CSS is coming from. See image.

    Most CSS is not changed with settings, but code in the stylesheet.
    You should never change any files that are part of the parent theme or any plugin, you will loose your changes in the next update.
    CSS changes need to be made in the child theme’s style.css file or in special areas that write to the database like GD > design > scripts


    Expired Member
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