We are a new customer for GeoD.
So we are just getting started and setting up our first site this week for 265,000 listings.
The email that i want to add an email shortcode is to either:
the Notifications>admin emails>Post submit success to admin email
if it comes from the prices and payments >prices> package >
admin emails section shortcode for package id and /or the title would work.
I want to be notified is of either package id and or the title from the prices and payments >prices> package ..
Use Case :
Basically when a new listing is claimed or created, i want to know what package was ordered, duration or expiration
If a listing is upgraded , I want to know package they upgraded to, duration or expiration
If a listing is renewed I would like to know what package and duration or expiration
What we will be doing is sending this email info to our sales automation system and parsing the information into the database and sending a sequence of communication to upsell listings and making sales calls.
I am open to ideas. Basically I would like to know the customer , address , email, phone , listing, duration and package