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This topic contains 20 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew C 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #396269

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Andrew,

    exporting listings doesn’t require a lot of docs, because you only have 2 options export all, export by date.

    Just go to GeoDirectory > import / export and you should easily accomplish the task.



    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138


    If you read my old messages you will see that I have done that already! I don’t need help anymore to get to GD > import/export, this is not my question anymore!

    All I am asking now is what I do after I exported listings?

    That URL added here by Siofan, does not explain the next step, understand?

    I took my time to explain exactly what I need, in messages, and I got back again “GD > import/export” this is NOT helping me. What do I do next after I export listings?

    Sorry but not so “easily” in here!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Andrew, everything is explained in that doc. For Export there is no video or doc because it is self explanatory. After clicking the export button, you’ll see a progress bar and once it’s at 100% you’ll get a link to download the CSV file.

    Once you have the file, follow the import documentation that explains which software to use, mandatory fields and so on, before importing select: Update listing if post with post_id already exists.

    That will edit the listings during import, because the exported listings all will have an ID.

    Let us know if that’s enough to get started.



    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138

    Sure sir.

    It’s just that when I get 100%, I clicked in the generated link and the link it is NOT downloading anywhere, its opening in URL, so how do I work with that URL? Is there a piece of information missing in here? That’s what is confusing in here!

    1-Once I fix the address, import it back, is the “Latitude” and “Longitude” will be update by itself? How does the work?



    Post count: 29970

    You can right-click on the URL and then choose “save link as” or “save target as” etc depending on the browser you are using.
    Most browsers do not open CSV files in your browser, but download the file.

    From the earlier comments, I understand that only the region is missing.
    So the exported CSV file will have all info including lat and “Latitude” and “Longitude”, it is only the region name that is missing.
    So all you would have to do, is add the region into the region column, and re-upload as explained https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-export/#import

    The first column in the CSV file is for the post_id.
    This field should be left blank, unless you want to update (overwrite) a listing.
    You can get the post_id of existing listings by exporting your GD listings.



    Andrew C
    Expired Member
    Post count: 138

    You can right-click on the URL and then choose “save link as” or “save target as” etc depending on the browser you are using.
    Most browsers do not open CSV files in your browser, but download the file.

    Perhaps someone should add that to the tutorial?


    Thank you for the instructions, they all look clear to me now. Too bad I had to go thru bunch messages for it, frustrating!

    Thanks again,

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