expired listings

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    Katie Lidgard
    Expired Member
    Post count: 188

    Hi, How a I best to treat expired listings? If I move them to the trash will the owner still be able to renew the listing from the front end?
    At the moment I have it set so that once someone’s time runs out their listing drops to “draft”, but I’m finding it tricky to keep track of newly added listings versus expired listings. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks. Katie


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    You can use the Ajax Duplicate alert plugin to notify you of duplicate listing data as you enter new listings. Have you tried that already?


    Let us know how it works for you


    Post count: 29970

    Users cannot see trashed listings anywhere.

    Draft listings are available for users to renew, see image.
    Log in as a user with listings, and follow the links to your listings from the login widget to your dashboard. For example /author/username/?geodir_dashbord=true&stype=gd_place

    Another solution is to create a very basic price package, let’s say without any available custom fields, except 1 category; no tags, minimum characters of description, no links, no contact details, no send to friend etc.
    Then on expiry, the listings go to this package.
    That will keep them available to the user to upgrade again
    You could even hide them with CSS from widgets and location pages, but not from the user’s dashboard page.



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