Featured Image Not Displaying – GD v2

This topic contains 39 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Robert Davenport 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #464474

    Post count: 29970

    I do not have a problem going to the homepage using the logo from any listing.
    Always make sure to clear any caches and use an incognito browser to test too.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609


    I just rebooted my PC and cleared my Firefox cache for a 3rd time and I’m still not able to see the Featured Image on this listing nor am I able to click on the logo from this same page and get back to the root url.

    Please click on this listing here https://shoprva.com/places/united-states/virginia-1/richmond-city/restaurants/dont-look-back/ and see if you can see their Featured Image and then see if you can click on the logo in the top left and get back to http://www.shoprva.com…? Please let me know because I’m out of options at this point.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    I just used my Samsung Galaxy s8 phone and the Dolphin browser which deletes all data, cache and history every time you exit the browser and even this is still not displaying the Featured Image nor linking me back to ShopRVA.com when I click on my logo from this listing here: https://shoprva.com/places/united-states/virginia-1/richmond-city/food-1/juleps-new-southern-cuisine-2/

    Pleasze see the screenshots…..and explain why this is not working after trying 4 different browsers and 2 different devices…?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for your reply. I thought I’ve shared a solution regarding the logo link here https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/gd-v2-linking-logo-back-to-home-landing-page/#post-463883 . Did that method work out? Also, the featured images are all displaying fine here to when I inspected this link https://shoprva.com/location/united-states/virginia-1/richmond-city/ .

    If all doesn’t work still, kindly share your WP admin access here and we’ll check your GD setup.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    This seems resolved, or, instructions have been provided.
    Please open a new topic if there is another issue.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    No Alex, it is not resolved. Please read thru the last 3 postings above….


    Post count: 29970

    It looks like you got some very agressive caching happening somewhere.
    Can we have FTP please.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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    Post count: 29970

    Then have a good look at what the differences are between the 2 sites. Then you should have your answer.
    Include checking the htaccess and the wpconfig file.

    The FTP works, the site is under /public_html/


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609


    The only difference is that ShopHawaii.me has Woocommerce plugin activated.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609


    I’m going to delete the Supreme Directory and reinstall it from the beginning and then get your help in making sure these issues are gone.

    I’ll let you know in a little bit once this is completed…

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