Featured Listing

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  appme 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #499201

    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    I am starting a new post for this issue.

    I have the Pricing Manager installed and I am having an issue with using it.

    It seems that every single listing I post automatically is a featured post. I setup a “featured” paid listing and a “free” regular one. Since there is little to no documentation on how to do this how would I set it up to work properly?

    This is what I want to happen.

    User selects free listing, they fill everything out and it becomes just a regular post.

    User selects the “featued” listing they fill everything out, pay the fee and it is automatically in the “featured” listings. This seems like it should be automatically the way the plugin works but I can’t seem to figure it out.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Review the price package for the free listing. In the advanced options make sure the ‘featured’ field is excluded.

    Review the price package for the paid listing. In the advanced options make sure the ‘featured’ field is not excluded.

    Read more about it here:


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    I do not understand how to set it up. According to the link you sent it says you can set it up but again like ALL of your documentation it doesn’t show you an example of how to do it. I guess I have to continue to try and figure this out on my own


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    also i guess we’re ignoring the fact that every listing automatically ends up being featured even if the featured box isn’t ticked.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    so i’m in the free package now.

    I see

    Package Icon
    Package lifetime
    Is Recurring?
    Exclude Fields
    Exclude Categories
    Image Limit
    Category Limit
    Tag Limit
    Limit Description Character Length?
    Has Upgrades?
    Disable HTML Editor
    Disable Recuring Events
    Is Default
    Display order
    Downgrade to
    Paid Listing Status
    Is Active?

    there is no “featured” tag to uncheck. Doesn’t exist


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    This is what the “documentation” says

    The Featured field has 3 integrations that make it stand out from other pre-defined fields.

    Available as a filter for GD Listings – Show only featured listings
    Available as a sorting option for GD Loop – Set “Featured, Descending” to show all featured listings first on Archive – See Sorting
    Pricing Mnaager Integration – Automate “Featured” using Price Package Settings. See Packages.
    The Pricing Manager integration makes it possible to ‘reward’ paid listing owners with all the special features mentioned above automatically. When a listing is paid for, with a package that includes ‘featured’, then the listing is marked featured and can be shown in special lists as well as appear first in sorting. Featured is the most common field used for this kind of promotion of paid listings. There is also another doc focused on featured listings and options for decorating them, too.

    With Pricing Manager installed, the Featured field is completely managed by the settings in the Price package applied to the listing. If you set a default value for the field, that default will be shown when a new listing is created, but, once the listing is saved with a price package, the package settings will adjust the value of the field automatically.

    Include the featured field in Price Packages to set the value automatically.

    WHAT SETTINGS? WHERE ARE THESE SETTINGS? you guys need to re-evaluate your documentation. How am I supposed to know what to do?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    Figured it out.

    I had to exclude featured from the “exclude fields” which i didn’t know I was looking for. I thought I was looking for a “featured” setting by itself.

    I think you guys need to take a moment and try and explain things with just a tiny bit more detail. As I mentioned before I have no doubts that this plugin does amazing things but just needs a bit more clarification on instructions

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