Featured set as Unchecked but it is Checked

This topic contains 15 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I have the custom field “Featured” set as “Unchecked” but when I add listings it is always defaulted to checked.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If you are using Pricing Manager, then the featured field setting will override the default setting.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I don’t understand. I have pricing manager installed for when I setup pricing packages. But I haven’t setup any packages, all packages thus far are free.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Furthermore, there’s nothing under the pricing tab related to featured.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Furthermore, there’s nothing under invoicing related to featured.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Inside the free package you can include or exclude the “Featured” field. Choose whichever suits you.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I’m confused, what is the point in the custom field featured? I thought it would be a nice field for admin (showing only admin) when adding a listing I could just select right there to make it featured. This would work great if it wasn’t checked by default. So, what’s the point in the featured field?


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Ok, so to make things even more confusion, I excluded the custom field featured from the free packages and included it in the paid featured packages. Now when I go to add an event, which defaults to the free, then select the featured package the custom field featured appears and it’s unchecked.

    So, it seems the custom field featured only is checked by default on the free package but it is not on the paid package that’s actually featured. There goes my idea that maybe this featured custom field was possibly for paid packages to give people an option to have it featured. Because it should be by default featured since this is a package promoted as such.

    What is this featured field for?


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Wow, if this couldn’t get any weirder. So, I just went back to the event listing that I started to change to featured. The blue bar was there “Hey, we found some unsaved changes from earlier and are showing them below. If you would prefer to start again then please click here to remove this revision.” and this time the custom field FEATURED WAS CHECKED! And the featured option (because it remembered my changes that I did not submit).

    I went ahead and cleared the changes, submitted the event listing free to start over, went back to edit the event listing, selected featured and featured field appeared and was not checked, then I went through with checkout and at least everything worked in that the listing is in fact featured (with the banner at least). Then I went back to edit the listing again and the custom field featured was checked. So, if this field is intended to give the end user a way to opt out of being featured ideally it would be checked it is activated/when a featured listing is selected.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    The only thing I can think of is this featured field must only be intended for backend purposes. Or maybe something more I’m not yet thinking of…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Some information about the feaured field can be found here:

    Once Pricing Manager is installed, the value of the field is controlled by the package settings.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    It’s hard for me to really understand what all this means. I guess my imagination is getting in the way and not seeing visually what is being explained in the documentation.

    I totally understand that, as always, a package may be featured and this affords a featured listing the advantage of being shown first in the listings page and exclusively in featured areas. It use to be controlled from the package settings. Am I correct in saying it’s now controlled from this custom field? If so, that’s where I was initially misunderstanding it. When I first saw this custom field I didn’t know featured wasn’t in the package anymore.

    So, am I correct in saying; to make a package featured I have to add the custom field and select the packages under “Show only on these price packages” in that featured custom field? Now, on the premise of that being correct, let’s talk about “Is Active” and “Default Value”.

    If “Is Active” is not checked will that to disable featured packages from being featured? Or does that just control whether it’s showing on the add listing page?

    If “Default Value” is set for “Unchecked” is this going to essentially turn off featured package from being featured? Does this have to be set to check? What does this mean?

    A video showing all this and how it works on the front end would be very helpful since it’s so different than V1. In fact, everything that’s different about V1 and V2 would ideally have a video…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. no, it is whether the field is included or excluded, not ‘show in what locations
    2. Is Active only hides it from the form for non admins.
    3. It will make the field the default value when first added but be immediately overridden bu package value on save.
    Thanks for reporting your experience with the field. We will keep it in mind for future versions.


    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Ok, I think I understand now, except number 3. It seems the custom field featured is only there to create featured packages. So, why is there a “default value” if it’s going to be overwritten?

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