Filters questions

This topic contains 33 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Folks

    Issue 1.

    We have created a number of custom fields

    and some of these custom fields are used in our filters

    For example Fairtrade.

    Question, the filter should only show if at least one listing associated with the category has Fairtrade selected as Yes or No ?

    It makes no sense if the filter is showing if the results are Zero.

    Issue 2.

    When we select fairtrade as a filter and click search,

    you are directed to the following url

    and this is showing listings not associated with the category sewing-and-fabrics

    Kind Regards



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    If the value ‘no’ is acceptable, then, why not bulk edit listings and set all to no?

    The Advanced Search and sorting options are not dynamic in this way at this time.

    I have taken this up as a suggestion and will share it with our development team to see whether we can work on this in the near future.

    Please feel free to make a new topic if you need help with anything else.


    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Alex

    No unfortunately we cannot set everything to No as we do not know that its a No for all listings that do not have a yes selected.

    Ok thanks, i would classify this as a bug really so can we get this fixed soon ? As you can appreciate its a poor user experience when someone selects a filter and Zero results are shown.

    Could you also come back to me re Issue 2.

    Many Thanks



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    For 1, then perhaps setting a “Unknown/2” option would be a way to handle it.

    For 2, the URL you share does not have a category in it

    For fairtrade + the cat (82) the url is this with no results


    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Alex

    Issue 1

    So just to confirm, if we have 3 options. Yes / No / Unknown, and the all listings have either No or Unknown selected the filter will not show ? We only want the filter to show if Yes is selected for obvious reasons 🙂

    Issue 2.

    Sorry so this is what is happening when i click search, so i am asking why this is happening ?

    You can reproduce it at will by going to

    Selecting fair trade as a filter and clicking search.

    Kind Regards



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. No for more than one option you would need a radio which would show all values.

    2. As mentioned in a previous ticket the search options drawer category select is jot automatically selected on Category archives. In the next version if category is a drop down in the search bar it will be automatically selected on the corresponding category archive.


    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Alex

    1. Sorry but this is not an option, think about the user experience. The filter needs to not show if No or Unknown is selected. Many filters created only should show yes, and then you search for this specific filter.

    2. Ok i will wait for the next update.




    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100


    You can add a field when you expand each field here that says

    “Only Show Filter when Min Number or results fetched” ( Checkbox )

    Below would be an extra feature that would be great :

    and another field beside the above checkbox ( where you enter in 1, or 2 or 3 etc and if left blank ) it would default to 1

    This would give us the option to set a min number of results. Some users might not want to show just 1 result, they might want to show a min of 10 for example.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Thank you, I have taken up your suggestion and shared them with the developers.


    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Alex

    Thank you, please let me know any updates on this, as we cannot go live with GeoDirectory until this is resolved. We have numerous filters that cannot be associated with many categories.

    Kind Regards



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can check the next version to see if the new support for the drop down category in the search bar for category archive pages will work for you.

    If you are in a hurry for additional features they will require a customization that is outside of what we can help with here in support.


    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Alex

    This is really poor support on your side, i am not looking for customization as you mentioned. I am looking for a basic feature for filters. A Directory with any filters what so ever should only show if

    1. The listing that has a filter selected, the filter should only when that category is searched. Having categories showing a filter that has nothing to do with that category is a really bad user experience.

    2. It has at least 1 listing associated with that category.

    I cannot go live until this is fixed.

    I will of course test the other fix on the next release you do.

    Kind Regards



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Scott,

    I think u might have advanced search disabled just now?
    Its such that i can’t see the issue but going from the description i think you might be better with a checkbox filter rather than a select? It’s really a binary answer and input.



    Scott Robins
    Free User
    Post count: 100

    Hi Stiofan

    Yes we have lots of filters that are Checkbox. As per above there are two issues.

    1. If no listing is associated with the filter it shows. It should have a min of one listing associated with it. If you search a filter and it shows zero results this is a really bad user experience.

    2. If a listing for example has a category “Candles” and this listing has for example “Free Returns” selected. If this is the only listing on our site that has free returns selected, the filter “Free Returns” should not show when i search for categories “Car Parts Accessories and Tyres”

    We have 11 custom fields created so far that we are adding as filters, this is going to grow to much more over the next few months, so we cannot have 20 plus filters showing on every category if the filter has nothing to do with that category.

    Many thanks



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Scott,

    I think i understand what you mean but it would only really “work” if we updated the form via ajax on every option selected, otherwise you would always get to that point anyway. Our search form does not currently work like that (ajax refresh on any option select).

    I do like the idea but in practice i’m not sure its feasible.
    If you look look at sites that do this like hotels . com you can still tick boxes faster than the ajax request and end up with zero results.


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