GD V2 install issues

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lampshade 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    I set up a new, clean install of WP (current version) and GD V2 for a site. After installing all the plugins and licenses, there are still a few errors:
    Directory starter will not install. This error message appears:
    Installing Plugin from uploaded file:
    GeoDirectory Pricing Manager requires either Invoicing (recommended) or WooCommerce to take payments. Please set one here.
    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the plugin…
    The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.
    Plugin installation failed.
    Return to Plugin Installer
    I installed all plugins with licenses again and logged out, then logged in about 10 minutes after allowing the server to refresh the site. Still have this error above after two days.
    Next issue:
    I exported my database from GD V1 to my desktop, then uploaded it to GD V2, failed and continues to fail uploading. It was saved correctly as a “csv”. Here is the error message:
    Array( [error] => Sorry this type of file is not permitted for security reasons.)x
    Apparently a child theme is required, but I don’t see one for install.
    Fortunately I began with a new site so the old one won’t be damaged by these errors.
    Any suggestions?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi lampshade,

    Thanks for your post. Directory starter is a theme and not a plugin. Please install it as a theme. As for the CSV issue, please refer to this section of the documentation


    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Thanks for your answer. Directory starter is a theme, my error. I installed the plugin you suggested and that permitted me to upload the database.

    However, when I refreshed, there is no landing page, and all the events I had listed have changed. For example: recurring event changed from “yes’ to “no”, the street address, city, state, postal code, category is now blank, the long/lat is blank and all the Select map views are now at the default position vs the map I had set.

    Possibly my expectations are too high, I thought this would be as easy as export/import the database and continue on with GD V2.

    Where is my home page with the map? Please don’t advise that I have to re-build the entire site again.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi lampshade,

    Thanks for your reply. You can refer to this section of the documentation to setup the front page. Everything is using shortcode in GDV2 now. 🙂 I’d suggest that you go through the docs for your reference.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Thanks,I’ll have a look at the link.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi lampshade,

    Thanks for your reply. Alright then, let us know how it goes.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    I’m letting you know how it goes as requested…

    I still need help with the database. I was able to upload it into V2 and it shows the listings, HOWEVER, all the events I had listed have changed. For example: recurring event changed from “yes’ to “no”, the street address, city, state, postal code, category are all now blank, the long/lat is blank and all the Select map views are now at the default position vs the map I had set.

    The home page is still a wreck and I had to install a new plugin to exterminate the Gutenberg plug-in from the web site.

    Building this site in V2 is more difficult and trying than some of the hardware we built and tested from a defense contractor. Once you had a code you just pushed a button and presto, launch.

    After 4 days, my site is still a wreck and I am seriously considering going back to V1 and staying there. No doubt this upgrade works well for coders, but for the ordinary person, just too much effort and insufficient detailed “how to” step-by-step reverse documentation.

    How do I fix the database, other than fixing it by hand again?



    Post count: 16516

    Hi lampshade,

    Thanks for your reply. Could you possibly share your Website WP admin and FTP access here in private reply so that we could check your GD setup?

    WP Admin
    Login URL :
    Login Username :
    Login Password :

    FTP Access
    FTP Host :
    FTP Username :
    FTP Password :


    Expired Member
    Post count: 129
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 129
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    Post count: 16516

    Hi lampshade,

    Thanks for your reply. I’ve forwarded this to a developer and he will look into it asap!


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 7069

    Hello lampshade,

    Did you checked after GeoDirectory v2.0.0.63 update? Please check and let us know.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    The original installation of GD V2.0 was performed with the GD V2.0.0.63 already installed.

    Something has changed with the software between June 10 and today and now the imported csv file is being accepted by GD V2

    Thanks for your help, I think the can be closed.

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