GeoDirectory 1.3.9 release + several addons updated

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Dear Member,

    today we released 1.3.9. Please check the changelog to see what’s been Added, Changed or Fixed.

    Other than fixing bugs reported, we improved a widget that in our opinion wasn’t up to standard, the Popular Categories widget for which we improved loading time, reduced SQL queries, added Category Icons and ajax switcher per CPT.

    We also added a new widget that we hope you will like. It is called Best of Widget. Shamelessly inspired by the “Yelp’s Home Page – Best of section”.

    You can see it in action here: It sorts categories by “number of reviews” to show the categories with most active listings 1st.

    We also included MultiNews theme out of the box compatibility.

    Updated addons are:

    Advance search filters
    Custom Post Types
    GD recaptcha

    Change log for each individual addon is availalbe in the downloads section of this website.

    Next week we will release a dramatically improved Events addon, with a state of the art recurring and non-recurring options and improved events display.

    We are also working on the Ultimate Yelp clone theme for GeoDirectory.

    Please open as usual new topics for any new bugs/glitches that you could encounter after updating.

    We hope you enjoy the updates.

    Thank you,

    The Team


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1502

    Awesome! GD is getting better and better. Can’t wait to try the Ultimate Yelp clone theme.

    Thank you, Paolo!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1502

    Hi Paolo,

    I checked Multinews and it looks good.

    Do you think nothing will break if I switch from GDF Child and GDF Modern to Multinews? Do I still need to use GDF (framework)?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    can’t tell without trying, but it shouldn’t.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1502

    I asked the MultiNews developer to provide a demo with GD running on it but no luck yet. I will just wait for the Yelp clone theme.


    Free User
    Post count: 3

    Next week we will release a dramatically improved Events addon, with a state of the art recurring and non-recurring options and improved events display.

    Hi Paolo,

    Has the Events addon been updated yet? Any more information on the new features?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    it’s ready to be released in Beta.

    We need to make sure members understand that updating to this version froman older one requires a tool to be run to update the database.

    We are currently building that tool.

    We hope to release the beta by the end of the week though.

    New Features can be seen here:

    Now non recurring and recurring evets are separate entities. Recurring event can be enable/disable globally or per event price package.

    Recurring events can be set wth recurring types:

    1 daily
    2 weekly (with option to set week days – mon, tue wed, etc)
    3 monthly (with option to set week days and week of the month)
    4 yearly
    5 custom dates (current interface)

    IN the db it will create 1 listing with multiple dates. In events page the recurring event appears for every date and the date is added to the event title.

    All event dates appear in the sidebar of the recurring event details page.

    The way they are stored in the DB has been greatly optimized (thus convertion tool is necessary)


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