This is my personal opinion from using GD from past few months. Other members can post theirs too.
> More integration gateway: I need payUmoney badly, for my country, this is the major gateway and complies latest GST and all.
>Popup Login: A modal login for review or adding a listing.
>Social Login Integration: : Integrated social login would be nice.
>Reporting of content: Why should we be using another plugin for reporting a wrong / abusive entry?
>Lazy load Map and all: Google maps must be lazyloaded for faster loading. Noticed this in many other directory sites. There could be an option to load the Map until mouseover.
>Sort by Helpful Review: Need better sorting options like most sites use. Example: Amazon review sorting options.
>Option to Custom Taxonomy: If possible these can help people like me. I do intend to use something instead of tags. I have a medical site, so, in my case I need some taxonomy like children-hospital and its child neonatal-icu which appear on permalink as Categories do not help me as I have hundreds of these.