Hello Ismi,
I finished Supreme Directory Theme and Directory Starter Theme is 95% validated. For the rest of the fuzzy strings, the team have to decide first about the right German strings in a meeting.
I have translated the Readme file, but since I know a lot more about the high expectations of the German translation team, I have to correct it first and ask for validation again. I’ll finish it this week.
Then I’ll start with GeoDirectory, there is a lot of work to get the German translation consistent. So, I want to apply for the Membership and I’ll stay on it, until it will be done and 100% validated.
I have sometimes questions about the context of the strings and I have also feedback for some original strings. How can I contact you, how can I find you on slack? I’m member in the workspaces wordpress.slack.com and in the dewp.slack.com member and you can find me as @wordpresskid. Maybe is a good idea to set a workspace just for GD translators, and to set a channel for each language?
Since I finished Directory Starter and Supreme Directory would you like to propose me as PTE for both themes? Both de_DE and de_DE_formal are translated.
Greetings, Marius