How to make Add Listing page redirect to Login / Register page?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Patrik 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    UsersWP, once the login and registration page are set, will filter the login/register links shown on the add listing page for logged out users.

    Try getting your users to login before they get to that page, if that is what you are after.

    About the author box, if you would like us to debug, please make a new topic over here where we support UsersWP


    Full Member
    Post count: 43


    Thank you for getting back to us both here and on the UsersWP support, but I think you’re still not getting what we want here.

    We want logged out users – when they click the add listing link – to be redirected to the login / register page, and then after they register / login we want them to then be redirected to the actual add listing page.

    To put it quite frankly, our target user base for this site are not exactly techies. We don’t want them to click the add listing link, see an error message with a couple of small text links (which, as an aside, aren’t showing up even when “Show the login links if required” is ticked), get confused, and then leave. We want the whole experience of adding a listing to be seamless and easy for the user.

    We made some headway with the Redirection plugin in the wordpress repository, and managed to use it to redirect logged out users from all CPT instances of /add-new-listing/ to the /login-register/ page. But we’re lost on step 2, which is to then redirect users on login to the /add-new-listing/ page.

    Basically, we assumed based on some of the showcase sites that this functionality was built into the GD / GD-UsersWP integration features. In this showcase site this full functionality is in place: logged out users are redirected from the add listing page to the login / register page, and then back into the actual add listing page after registering.

    If someone could show us how to do this with GD and UsersWP it would be much obliged. If this functionality does not come with GD and UsersWP integration as advertised on this page then we will be willing to pay a specialist to work it out for us, but we assumed this functionality was built in.


    Post count: 1971


    The site is using the GDV1 which is an older version of GeoDirectory plugin.

    You have to go to edit add listing page and add one more parameter to the shortcode


    so it looks like

    [gd_add_listing show_login=1]

    . This will display a login and registration link.

    Let me know if this resolves your issue or not.



    Full Member
    Post count: 43


    Sorry but that issue with the login and registration links not displaying was merely an aside. That isn’t the main issue here.

    As I said, “We want logged out users – when they click the add listing link – to be redirected to the login / register page, and then after they register / login we want them to then be redirected to the actual add listing page.”

    That’s all. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish. Does that functionality exist in GDV2 / UsersWP at all — or do we need to hire a developer, or is this something that can be achieved with a third party plugin, or what?


    Post count: 1971


    This is not easily possible with GD or UWP. You can use a plugin like “Nav Menu Roles” which allows you to display menu item for logged in and logged out users. You can create two menu items one for logged in users which will be add a listing page whereas you can create another menu item with a custom link to the login page with add listing page as redirect parameter like

    Let me know if this helps you.



    Terri Tutich
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    I’m following up on this here as I have a similar issue. Is there a resolution for this? (Have also created a new post, but continuing to hunt for more options.)


    Post count: 1971

    Hi Terri,

    I have made my previous reply public so you can check that. Please create a new ticket from next time instead of jumping to an existing ticket and we will help you there.


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