How to translate GD Listing Right Sidebar

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 67


    I’ve tried all to translate the menu points of the right sidebar (for example: send enquiry | Send to friend). Tried using WPML, Loco Translate and PoEdit. Uploaded the mo file to several places also. All without any change at the frontend…

    I would be able to translate “address” at Geodirectory settings (Fields), but if doing so, the page is not multi-language able.
    Other strings like “add listing” are working perfect using WPML…

    Please let me know how to do, thanks.

    Greetings, Chris


    Post count: 29970

    When using WPML you need to translate in the language files, rather than in the admin sections.
    I guess you are not uploading the MO files to the correct spot, that’s all I can think of.

    Are you uploading the MO files to the correct spot?
    /wp-content/languages/geodirectory/ etc


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Hi Guust,

    just tried your location too. Found that in your docs also. Not working 🙁
    Should I upload the whole structure at child folder?

    What I am really wondering is, that only SOME of the strings not working. “Core Files” doing well, only a few wont, like the friend recommender, and also all added fields from post types.

    Cheers, Chris


    Post count: 29970

    Not sure what you mean with “Should I upload the whole structure at child folder?”
    Only the MO files have to be uploaded as per

    This is how you translate custom fields:

    We would need your FTP and WP admin details to be able to have a look why things are not working.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67
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    Post count: 29970

    You did not translate “send enquiry” at ID 1445, you translate the one at 1792.
    I’ll get the others to have a look at the custom field translations.

    Can you also check the FTP, it keeps timing out for me.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Hi Guust,

    absolutely no clue what you are talking about…
    FTP is working fine, no problems.

    Greetings, Chris


    Post count: 29970
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 67
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    Post count: 29970

    Same problem with FTP still.

    See images for missing translation.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Guust, WOW…

    so – I am really impressed. Working!
    Think at first it was the wrong path for the .mo. Something misunderstood by me from the help files. In addition at the new file one missing. Well, you solved it.
    Many, many thanks!

    Now I will have to check out the php download and rescan for the custom fields. WPML dont does it.
    Will use poedit to do it. I am not sure how to rescan the PO file or the PHP file…
    If you are not using WPML, then once you have used the tool mentioned above you can download the db-language.php file that you will find in your geodirectory folder to your computer and then open the .po file and rescan the project.

    How will the PO file find the PHP file?

    Thanks, Chris


    Post count: 29970

    You need to download all the files of the plugin or theme to your computer, including the new db-translations.php file.
    Open up POedit, and select “translate a plugin”
    Next screen, select “create a POT file” after choosing the plugin folder.
    That will create a POT file.
    Now go to edit your existing DE translation, and from Catalogue, choose “update from POT”
    Navigate to the POT file you created, and


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Hi Guust,

    thank you for explaining, really helpful!
    Do you know – does this overwrite existing translations, e.g. especially when it has to be run after adding a new custom field later?

    Greetings, Chris


    Post count: 29970

    No, it does not, it only adds any new ones.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 67

    Hi Guust,

    thank you for your help – worked. Had to upgrade to pro version of Poedit.

    Can you please tell me where to find “Filter categories” from the locations search bar?
    I didnt find it at the core files and not at the multilocation files.

    Thanks again, Chris

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