I am trying to import CSV file getting some error

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  • #47026

    Pankaj Sharma
    Free User


    I am using your plugin and happy with it.
    I had used business directory plugin for my website but that doesn’t fulfill my requirement, and now i have used your plugin and its good.

    But in the plugin i facing issues i.e i have created a new CSV file to import data according to your csv file, but in the New CSV file some of address isn’t available, not configured with google map,no valid, so your plugin can’t import the listing into the website.

    Error “Total 366 item(s) found.
    366 / 366 item(s) could not be added due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).”

    I have a listing of whole world,so i can’t set a default location.
    Could you please suggest me how can i disable the location for importing process.So that i can import my data sucessfully.

    I am attaching my New CSV file please see once, if you find any issues let me know.
    Please have look for http://prntscr.com/7xgjqi screenshot also.

    I am looking forward your response.


    Post count: 29970

    You will need the Multi-Location addon, see https://wpgeodirectory.com/addons/multilocation/
    Also, your listings will need all the mandatory data or they will not be added. Please review https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-export/


    Free User
    Post count: 4

    I have the same problem, but how come I do not see Multilocation in my list of downloads available?

    I have a new 4 month subscription and it is supposed to be included in all subscription levels?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    it is called Geodir Location Manager in the downloads area. Sorry for the confusion…


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