I want to change page designs so that there is no left or right sidebar

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #392658

    Katja Ankila
    Expired Member
    Post count: 9

    I am doing a membership based real estate directory service using Kleo-theme, Buddy Press and WpGeodirectory. I am your full member and using also CPT:s, multilocations and so on…

    I have read almost all your instructions but I cannot make listing pages, listing sliders and detail pages look professional and stylish. Your plugin is great but I find your shortcode-system a bit complicated and the page design and design customization are definitely your weakest things.

    My problems are simple: How to change layout full-page and get rid of sidebars.

    The photos and photo sliders are very important in real estate. I would like my listing page be shown always full-page without separate sidebars. Now it is leaving the sidebar part empty and hiding all the photos. (I used your shortcode [gd_listings post_type=”gd_place” layout=3 post_number=”9″ add_location_filter= true] and got strange results. Look example screenshot 1)

    In detail page the photo-slider should go full page. In the information part there could be a right sidebar for some widgets.

    Also if I try to make a post slider using your shortcodes [gd_listing_slider post_number=6  slideshow=true], it tries to stay in a small height, stretches the photos and is not going full page (I enclose an example, screenshot 2). It should of course be full page slider with proper photos.

    I am not able to code myself and even my experts did not understand your system properly, so I am thankful if you could give me some CSS codes and instructions how to add them.


    Post count: 29970

    My problems are simple: How to change layout full-page and get rid of sidebars.
    Turn off the sidebars at GD > Design for the relevant pages: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/layout/#directory

    You should not use shortcodes unless you are adding them to WP pages.
    All pages are controlled at GD > Designs and with widgets.

    To make the detail page 100% you can add this CSS, but it will hide user links like “edit this post” etc.

    .single-gd_ostoilmoitus .geodir-sidebar-wrap {display: none;}
    .single-gd_ostoilmoitus .wrap-content > div#geodir-wrapper-content {width: 100%;}

    Add this to a new page and you will get all links to the GD template driven pages:



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