Image / package display conflict

This topic contains 26 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #532087

    Post count: 7069

    Hi Mitch,

    Did you run expire check function from GeoDirectory > Status > Tools > Expire Check? or it run via corn job?

    Downgrade package applied to the listing when listing it expired and expire check function finds it as expire.

    Expire check function executed in background automatically via corn and it also executed manually via tool.

    To text downgrade.
    – Set listing expire date to any past date from date
    – Run tool from GeoDirectory > Status > Tools > Expire Check

    Let us know how it goes.



    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    OK, so maybe I am not understanding or properly defining what I mean by ‘downgrade’.

    In this instance, the Place has not “expired” causing it to be downgraded. The place package was downgraded during a regular listing period (either prior to the expiration date – or in this specific situation, downgraded on a place that did not have an expiration date set).

    So in running the cron
    geodir_pricing_schedule_event_expire_check geodir_pricing_cron_expire_check()
    or running the manual check via Status > Tools
    it did not change this downgraded place listings displayed data, because the place was not actually ‘expired’

    So is it possible to ‘downgrade’ a package level for a place listing that is not yet ‘expired’ and have it change the items (logo, images, etc…) that the listing will display?



    Post count: 7069


    Downgrade & Expire process are same. Only difference is in downgrade process package downgrades to the package set in package setting. If no downgrade package is set then listing goes to expired.

    To downgrade manually any normal package(non recurring) listing, do following things.

    – Go to backend edit listing
    – Set expire date to any of past date from today
    – Click on Update
    – Run tool from GeoDirectory > Status > Tools > Expire Check

    Let us know.



    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    – Go to backend edit listing >> DONE
    – Set expire date to any of past date from today >> DONE
    – Click on Update >> DONE
    – Run tool from GeoDirectory > Status > Tools > Expire Check >> DONE

    Listing edited to a package that does NOT include images, expiration date set as last week. Listing expire check run.

    Public display of that listing still shows images.

    I must be missing something?



    Post count: 7069

    Hi Mitch,

    Please provide us a listing url to check there.



    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    Post count: 7069

    Hi Mitch,

    Is this same site that you provided FTP credentials at ?

    There was one file now updated with patch. I have applied patch again.

    Please try again and let us know how it goes.



    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Kiran,

    Yes, same site and credentials. I see the updated files in the /includes directory.

    Went through the same process again (listing expired, run check tool, clear cache), and yet the excluded items (images, logo) are still displayed in the listing.

    I wondered if it was an issue with the package, so I deleted that package and created a new package with the same exclusions and then assigned that listing to the new package.

    When doing that, *other* exclusions (Facebook and website, in this test) DID get removed.

    But still no luck with the images and logo. In fact, I even changed the number of images to display (image limit=4), yet that listing continued to display more (5) than the number set in settings.


    Post count: 7069

    Hello Mitch,

    I done some more testing and found that even after images/log cleared from database it shows images at front end. This happens because of Kinsta object cache. It does not clears Kinsta Cache on downgrade listing.

    I have added following snippet under Snippets to clear cache on expire/downgrade.

     * Clear Kinsta Cache after expire/downgrade listings.
    function gd_snippet_post_clear_kinsta_cache() {
    	global $KinstaCache, $geodir_post_downgraded, $geodir_post_expired;
    	//geodir_error_log( $geodir_post_downgraded, 'geodir_post_downgraded' );
    	//geodir_error_log( $geodir_post_expired, 'geodir_post_expired' );
    	if ( empty( $geodir_post_downgraded ) && empty( $geodir_post_expired ) ) {
    	if ( ! empty( $KinstaCache ) && is_object( $KinstaCache ) ) {
    		if ( ! empty( $KinstaCache->kinsta_cache_purge ) && is_callable( array( $KinstaCache->kinsta_cache_purge, 'purge_complete_caches' ) ) ) {
    			geodir_error_log( 'geodir_pricing_after_expire_check => Kinsta Cache Cleared' );
    add_action( 'geodir_pricing_after_expire_check', 'gd_snippet_post_clear_kinsta_cache', 999 );

    Let us know.



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    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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