Image sizes and slider

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 42

    I am trying to understand how the uploading images work and how to modify standard sizes.
    I realized that GD standarizes images sizes when uploading, am I write? I will need to increase upload images sizes for two reasons:
    1) I need the slider to occupy the whole width of the section
    2) I will use listing feature images for a slider in a different section of the website.

    How can I perform this?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    there is an option for user submitted images to be resized or not at GD > Design > Home:

    However tweaking the slider to occupy the whole width of the section, will be very difficult, unless you and your users only upload landscape format images. In that case you can simply add width:100% in css for the images in slider and the problem will be solved.

    If instead you plan to allow users to also submit portait formatted images, you will see that it is almost impossible to achieve a better result than what we have right now. The only way to make the images fit the space of the theme, is to know the width of the theme content space in advance, so for each theme, customm css would be required (and we can’t provide that). It would be impossible to make something that works for all themes.

    Let us know if this helps.



    Free User
    Post count: 42

    Hi Paolo
    Thank you for your answer.
    Is there anyway I can prevent users not to upload portrait images?
    Can you tell me which would be exact css style to make some testing?
    Thank you


    Free User
    Post count: 42

    I found the style.
    Is there anyway to show cropped images for portrait in the slider?

    PS: Another question. I’ve noticed that only one image of the listing uploads is flying to the “media” gallery. Where are the others stored? And are they available from backend?


    Free User
    Post count: 42

    Paolo, I will appreciate any help in this sense.
    Kind regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Miriam,

    Is there anyway I can prevent users not to upload portrait images?

    Not really, what you could do is to edit the upload image message on the add lsiting page to tell users that only landscape images wil be approved and moderate all listings.

    Can you tell me which would be exact css style to make some testing?

    There isn’t 1 single css rules to be edited to achieve this. We are talking about several edits… as I told you it will be a complex job. I can’t really make a precise list with instructions, that would be considered a customization and go beyond support. If you feel confident in editing CSS, I suggest to install firebug and have a look for yourself.

    Is there anyway to show cropped images for portrait in the slider?

    Not without a code customization.

    I’ve noticed that only one image of the listing uploads is flying to the “media” gallery. Where are the others stored?

    They are stored on your server in the wp-content/uploads/year/month folder. You can only see them on the edit listing screen of the backend.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Mirim,

    just FYI, we normally reply very fast during week days, however we only guarantee an answer with 24hrs. During weekends we can only guarantee an answer within 48hrs.

    In addition here we are talking about a customization, not really support.



    Free User
    Post count: 42

    Thank you Paolo for the info.
    I work usually with Firebug, so styling won’t be such a problem.
    I generally manage to work around themes, but I am not a developer, and I still don’t understand how the plugin build the pages and templates, to be able to customize.
    Sorry if I ask too many questions, I am only trying to get familiar and to achieve what I need for my project.
    Kind regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Miriam,

    The plugin uses it’s own template to create the GD pages. Templates can be found in geodirectory/geodirectory-templates folder.

    Templates can be moved inside you active theme in a folder called geodirectory. Once the plugin see that the template is in the theme too, it will start using that file instead of the original, so you can modify it without losing your customizations during plugin updates.

    The templates won’t look like the usual templates, but they are composed with do_action calls.

    This means that in reality templates can be modified without even moving them inside your theme.

    You can do everything from within your active theme functions.php file, by removing actions, rewriting the functions called by the actions removed and use new actions using the new functions.

    For example, if you want to remove the original slider and totally rebuild it with your own code from scratches. Here you will find how to do it and few other tips:

    For any other tips, please don’t hesitate to ask, sometimes we can’t write the code for the entire customization for you, but we can always try to point you in the right direction.



    Free User
    Post count: 42

    Thank you Paolo
    That is very clear. I’ve never worked with do_action calls, but it is never late to learn!
    Again, thank you for being so kind


    Free User
    Post count: 42

    I was wondering if I could disable the slider and add a different one in the Top page widget area through a plugin.
    Do you recommend any plugin that would bring me the single post images into a slider?
    Thank you


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I don’t know of any plugin that could do that out of the box. They wouldn’t know where to take the images from.


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