1. Maps errors – There is an error with your Google API key. You will need to authorize your URL.
Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized: https://*.sub.mydomain.com/*
This issue may be having an effect on several other items on the page. You should fix your key or switch to OSM so we can continue troubleshooting.
There are two additional problems, but we need to see your map errors disappear first, then with FTP we can continue troubleshooting.
Please make another private reply and include FTP details.
We will then look into
2. WP Easy Updates not showing licensing on plugins page
3. gd_place not showing image thumbnails in backend (images were imported
WordPress Credentials
WP Admin Login URL:
Sample listing URL with no images showing:
WP Admin Username:
WP Admin Password:
FTP is optional, but can be very helpful
FTP Credentials
FTP Host:
FTP Port:
FTP User:
FTP Password: