Import Addons

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  siparker 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #46243

    Post count: 114

    Id like to request a few additional features / changes

    First one is required fields.

    Lat and Long are required. This could be got around using the maps api the same as sabai directory does it. Because getting lat and long isnt always straightforward

    Region is required. Why?

    fields that could be left blank are set as required. caused quite a few issues depending on data source

    WPallimport compatibility. This would be amazing as i mentioned in my other post you can use wpallimport to concatenate bits of info into the description for example. or various other places also

    Basically can we have more control over the import process so if my region is missing just ignore that.
    B can the custom GD table used for the locations be either made as part of the CPT or can there be a internal Make everythign work after new import button that can take all the new listings and work out what it can to get everything in.

    Finally crashing during import. I ahve aroudn 420k items to import in total so far. doing 250 at a time isnt gonna be sensible. can the page refresh run more otfen as it seems to slow to a crawl and timeout after 200 ish records.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    Regions are mandatory only if you are adding cities in more that 1 region and it should be self explanatory why. In USA for example that are several cities with the same name is different states. Without regions the systems would be unusable.

    Getting lat and long during the import via API would triple the time needed to import 1 listing. This go against your request of making it faster. There are services allowing to get bulk Lat and Long coordinates from lists of addresses.

    If the system can’t import more than 200 listings, it means your PHP timeout is probably set very low. Please try increasing it. Also consider that if you are planning to import 400k listings that you should consider a pretty powerful server.

    All the rest are feature requests, please submit them here :

    We only consider feature requests if are vored by many members. Single requests made on the forum are not taken into consideration.



    Post count: 114

    ok sure understood i will add them to the feature request section.

    I do have a dedi for the site and will probably add cdn’s etc for images etc wwhen i reach a certain size for sure.

    Still that maybe the option of having the lat and long found for you if you dont have them would be a cool feature but perhaps in the future sometime. as you say speed is the biggest bit to a large DIR and thats what i need for now.

    Thanks again.

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