### important ### Release of 1.3.6

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #29388

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Dear Members,

    today we release 1.3.6 with an important change about theme compatibility.

    We built a new system that should make it even easier to create compatibility packs.

    If you are using GeoDirectory with one of the theme for which a compatibility pack has been released, you will see the addon being deactivated automatically. Should this not happen, please disable any compatibility addon you have installed as they are no longer needed.

    Compatibility for these themes has been included in core plugin and new themes comaptibility can be both imported or exported, so that users will be able to share them if interested.

    ### important ###

    Avada users should also avoid using the former GD Avada Child Theme and only use a blank child theme with the header.php file provided in GD >> Theme Compatibility inside of it.

    We are currently releasing updates for several addons and tomorrow we should relased the Buddypress Integration addon in Beta too.

    Please update all plugins and report any bugs found as usual.

    Thank you,

    The GeoDirectory Team


    Giuseppe Conte
    Post count: 26

    I have just uploaded to the new release and I already have found a couple of bugs:
    1) On the detail page, the average rating is not working (wee attached image 1). It is showing something like “x/y based on n reviews”…but it is obvioulsy nosense.
    2) When a comment is deleted it is still counted oon the total number of reviews. It is reported as a fixed bug on this release but I see it is still not working.

    Please check and release a new update ASAP.

    Thank you


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Pleas open a new topic if you require support.
    You need to update all your addons as stated above.

    Once you have updated all your addons please go to GD Tools and run the “Clear all GD version numbers” this will cause the upgrade functions to run and should fix all ratings.




    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211
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