Is there a way to mask biz email?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I just noticed that if I put up the biz listing email it posts it right to the site listing in plain view and easy for bots to scrape.

    I personally don’t even put my OWN email on my website but instead, use an image to share my email and force people to type my email themselves (weeds out a LOT of spam). I have had lots of issues in the past with my emails being scraped from my websites in the past and have learned to never never NEVER put your actual email address right on your website…it’s SO EASY for bots to scrape and then you will get on lists and be bombarded by spam.

    So if I do things the way they are set up now with GeoDirectory, I will be forcing every business owner listed on my site to submit to the scraping of their email from MY site!

    Is there any way to change this? I do still want to have their email and would love to be able to have it set up so that visitors can email them…perhaps through a form (with a good captcha, because another thing I’ve dealt a LOT with is spammers bombarding my contact forms.) OR, I’d just rather not post their contact email at all and only have it on the backend for my own info.

    Can anyone tell me what the options are for this? It’s really a bad idea to be listing business’s emails like this.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You are in total control of what info shows on the listing.
    There are two ways to remove items
    1) Show in what locations – remove the values – find your field in custom fields and open the settings, then remove the values from the “Show in what locations”
    2) Remove GD Post Meta key=email – if you are using this somewhere, remove it.


    Post count: 29970

    If you use the default email field, then the email address will be masked if you use the ninja form:




    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Yay! Ok, I’m going to dig into what you guys said and will get back to you if I have questions. Thank you for the info!!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    GUUST!! Your first link is exactly what I’m looking for!! THANK YOU!!!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317


    Just once I had hoped that things would actually work. *sigh*

    First…I followed the directions carefully in this link:

    And….it doesn’t show. No idea why. As far as I can tell, I did everything right.

    So then I tried to do it with shortcode. It worked in the sense that it made a button. But when you click on it, it’s just a blank black box.


    So what did I do wrong??? Here’s a link to a listing for you to see the code and see if you can figure it out:

    The button that shows in the sidebar that says “contact form” is the form made with shortcode. Incidentally…a separate issue…I actually changed the wording of that button and THAT didn’t show either.
    And the Ninja Form widget is SUPPOSED to show directly below that button that IS showing. But….nothing.

    Oh and before you ask…I DID clear my cache…AND I turned off any cache plugins.


    Post count: 29970

    Please post WP admin login details in a private reply and we will have a look for you.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    You have to add an email address to the listing for it to work.
    Please check now. Thanks


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, it works, thank you! But that’s just made me see another problem…something has happened and erased a bunch of my info that I had filled in. Because I DID have emails in these listings…and not only that but I am now seeing that social media info as also been wiped out…what the heck would do that? I KNOW I had filled in all these listings more than this!

    I will go over the listings in the morning, but I’m worried now that all the hours and hours of work that I did to manually input all this info has been erased! So far every listing that I’ve looked at has info missing! I’m hoping it’s just a limited thing, but it’s not looking good. I’ll check it over more thoroughly in the morning…but if you have any idea what would delete a bunch of info like that, I’d love some insight.

    I do have plenty of backups but I’m afraid if I restore a backup it is going to set me back a ton because I’ve been working on this a lot every day.


    Post count: 29970

    The only thing I did was add an email address to

    I could see it was a required field, so normally that means that either the data was imported by CSV, or the email field was not active while the listing was created.
    It does not seem to be related to price packages having been created afterwards either.
    Probably the best idea is to export the listing, check, fix and re-import.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Argh, I think I have an idea what might have happened…I’ve been playing around with the custom fields…moving things around, removing fields, swapping things out…trying to figure out how things work. Replacing some fields with others. Would that have wiped out info that was already in fields if I swapped them out for other fields? If so…is there a way to get all that info back? Is it still saved in the database?

    I know that I swapped out the fields for email, website and social medias…and those appear to be the ones that are all missing their info.

    I suppose if worse comes to worst I could maybe restore an old backup to a new tester site and export all the listing info and then import into this one? I can export/import listing with csv files, can’t I?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, I think I’ve figured out how to fix this…assuming you don’t come back to me with an easier solution…

    I figured out that I have a listing export backup from before I started fiddling with things, so I have a spreadsheet with all the missing info. I’ve exported the current listings backup to confirm that indeed all those fields that I messed with are now blank, and in the other backup they are not. So I’m just going to copy/paste the info into the current backup and re-import into the directory, telling it to overwrite the listings that already exist. So theoretically that should fix it.

    Just to be safe so that this doesn’t happen again, though, I am going to make sure I’m done editing those fields! Is this a side effect that you warn people of anywhere? Because if it’s not, it should be! Losing all that info could be seriously devastating! That’s a LOT of emails and social media and web urls that I now have to go back and copy/paste back in…thank heavens I have an export backup! Totally my own fault, but maybe there should be a warning somewhere (if there isn’t already…I may totally have just missed it) to be careful NOT to swap out fields that have existing info in your listings!! (like I did that by swapping out different email fields, website fields and social media fields…) Or maybe there’s a way to avoid this from happening?

    In case you are unsure what editing of fields I mean, I am talking about in the GeoDir settings unders Places>settings then under the “Custom Fields” tab. I am moving around all the fields and playing with things to customize the way I want things to look and had no idea it would then wipe out info. It makes sense NOW, in retrospect…but didn’t occur to me at the time. A big warning could help others not make the same mistake, if you haven’t already made one…just a thought. I am definitely learning from my mistakes!!


    Post count: 29970

    Make sure to check the column names. If you delete a custom field and recreated one, sometimes the column name may change.

    Editing fields should not delete data.
    Setting fields to inactive should not delete data either.
    Deleting/removing fields would.
    I am not sure what swapping fields means.

    Do you expect that a page or post you permanently trash somehow does not get deleted? It is very much the same.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    When I said swapping I meant that I removed a field and replaced it with a different one. For example, I noticed later that there were social media fields that had the appropriate icons, so I removed the ones that I had created that didn’t…and that made the info that I had entered into those fields (hundreds of them) disappear. That’s what I am realizing now. For some reason, it didn’t occur to me at the time. It makes sense now. I didn’t think of the fields in the same way as posts/pages. But yes, it makes sense now, thank you. I’m sorting through this now and I think it shouldn’t be too hard to fix since I do have the backup. (I’m kind of obsessive about backups, thankfully.)

    Ok, I was just thinking that maybe the info might have been saved in the database like how the info for a plugin is saved and even though you delete a plugin you can reinstall and reactivate and it often will still remember the info and settings you entered from the previous time it was set up. No such luck, I guess. Oh well, like I said, I seem to have found a solution that doesn’t appear to be THAT big of a hassle actually. Assuming it works.

    Lesson learned. I AM going to make sure I finish fiddling with these fields before I do this restore of info though. Don’t need to lose any more info, just in case I decide to change anything else that would lose info… 🙂

    THANK YOU!! You’ve been very patient and helpful!

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