Language file update – German / Payment Manager

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Giri 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #379456

    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hey guys

    – 116 new translated / corrected (german) strings are awaiting you at the Payment Manager plugin. I reviewed each string but could not find the last 3% that it says is not translated yet… Is there a little mis-setting maybe?
    – 7 strings also in the GD Core language file

    Extra questions:
    1. Please check screenshot 1 – what would be in the last % placeholder? Is it for the price package?
    2. I translated Bank Account Number to IBAN, which makes more sense cause nobody is using Bank Account Numbers anymore. Then I also changed Account SC to BIC which is the new Account SC. You guys should change that in the original / english language file, too.
    3. Yesterday I readed I can make multiple websites with one membership… that

    s true? I thought all the time, that it

    s only 1 site per membership.

    P.S.: Im at ca. 500 translated / corrected strings right now. I`m getting closer to a chance of 1 year free membership? 🙂



    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Another language question:
    I got that widget in the footer but don`t know where to translate the 2 links saying:

    – About Me
    – Account Settings

    Thx 🙂


    Post count: 29970

    1. the last % placeholder is the title used for a price package

    2. Different countries use different names, there are still countries that use account and branch numbers etc.

    3. Yes, see 3rd question at

    4. About Me and Account Settings most likely is from the Buddypress integration addon, but could be theme related too.



    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    1. Ok perfect, I thought that but was not 100% sure.
    2. Ah ok I thought it

    s worldwirde IBAN and BIC now. At least for german sites I think it

    s the better solution.
    3. Ok it`s quite clear 😀 I still could not believe it – well cool then I am gonna make a carp fishing directory soon, yeah.
    4. MMh gonna recheck then.



    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    5. In the BuddyPress lang file there is this english string:
    “If this option is selected, the GD registration form will points to the BuddyPress registration from.” – The word “points” should be changed into “redirect”.
    6. Also in BP it says “Enter number of listings to display in the member dashboard listings tab.” – is this about the maximum number of listings? And what would happen if somebody has more then that – pagination?
    7. Another 40 corrected strings in the BuddyPress Integration language file are awaiting you.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    5 I asked to the developers to correct.

    6 pagination, correct

    7 thanks


    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Back to 4 I found th eplace that has to be trabslated to change the linknames. It`s in line 1718 of this file: wp-content/plugins/geodir_buddypress/includes/gdbuddypress_functions.php

    // Add buddypress links to my dashboard widget
    add_filter('geodir_dashboard_links', 'dt_geodir_dashboard_links');
    function dt_geodir_dashboard_links($dashboard_link) {
    	if ( class_exists( 'BuddyPress' ) ) {
    		$user_link = bp_get_loggedin_user_link();
    		$dashboard_link .= '<li>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '<i class="fa fa-user"></i>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '<a href="'.$user_link.'">';
                    // 12.1.1  WIDGETS - gdbuddypress_functions.php Anpassung A: "About Me" übersetzen  
    		$dashboard_link .= __('Über Mich', 'gdbuddypress');
    		$dashboard_link .= '</a>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '</li>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '<li>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '<a href="'.$user_link.'settings/'.'">';
                    // 12.1.2  WIDGETS - gdbuddypress_functions.php Anpassung B: "Account Settings" übersetzen  
    		$dashboard_link .= __('Einstellungen', 'gdbuddypress');
    		$dashboard_link .= '</a>';
    		$dashboard_link .= '</li>';
    	return $dashboard_link;

    Would be good if you could add the strings to the language file in one of the next versions – or else one has to change the file after each update.

    Ok thanks for helping out 7x 🙂


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    If I’m not wrong, being part of the supreme theme only, those strings should be in supreme language file, not on buddypress integration.

    I asked to Giri to verify. He’ll let you know asap.



    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Thx paolo 🙂


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Hey guys,

    The code in buddypress addon is compatible with all themes. When buddypress integration available, About Me and Account Settings links would appear in my dashboard widget.

    The word “points” should be changed into “redirect”.

    I have fixed that one.



    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Hi Giri,

    yes yes the links appear in the dashboard already, just that the strings are not in the language / po file. I had 3 links and only one of those (my bills) was in german and I had to translate “About Me” and “Account Settings” into german in the plugin file.



    Post count: 29970

    Make sure you are using the latest language files, see

    If ABout Me and Account Settings is not in the GD-BP file, you are most likely using an old version.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Hi Atilla, Yes Guust is right. I have just checked our BP Integration addon language file and I see the strings there. You might be using an older version of BuddyPress Integration. Please make sure you are using the latest version.



    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Ok I am gonna check that, thanks to all of you. As I tried to update BuddyPress Integration I get this error message (screenshot) confusing me about an Elegent Themes Update. But then I saw I did not enter yet the BuddyPress integration license key, gonna do that now.

    I am using the Divi Builder plugin, it mixed with an error message fomr that one it seems. And I had the license key of Elegant Themes in the system already.

    Back in a minute with more news…

    … ok updated the plugin and now the Strings are translated, too. Cool!

    Thanks again!


    Atilla Boz
    Full Member
    Post count: 280

    Ok last open things are:

    a) Payment Manager language file
    b) GD core language file

    Thx for updating BP integration language file!
    P.S.: I translated the Business Hours plugin from Jeff, wanna add it to your library?

    Atilla the language man 😉

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