layout and search

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    Mike Anderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 53

    I am having a couple of issues with the directory at

    Q1 I am trying to get the content to fit to about 90% of the page instead of full width? I have tried various settings using variations on #geodir-wrapper {max-width: 1170px; margin: auto;} but they are all ignored.

    Q2 Can I get the map zoom to show all listing icons for a given search currently some are off the map area?

    Q3 How do I control the CPT names under the icons, text does not wrap and they overlay the icon?
    I would like them to sit underneath and be constrained in the icon box. It is OK if the icons need to be a bit bigger.

    Q4 How do I get the search field to search more than just the listing names, like the profile or more info fields? I thought this was working the other day, but does not seem to be today. I have made some modifications to categories(I probably broke it!)

    TIA for all the help,


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your post. Let me try to answer your questions accordingly.

    1. Let’s apply some paddings to the content area by using this custom CSS code.

    .geodir_full_page.clearfix {padding:50px!important;}

    2. Now sure what you mean, could you elaborate?

    3. How about this?

    .gd-cpt-widget-list .gd-cpt-wrow .gd-cpt-name {
        white-space: normal!important;

    4. Could you share the URL of the page in question so that we could take a look?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    2. Make sure autozoom is set on/true for the map widget


    Mike Anderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 53

    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for the feedback
    1. does not work I’m afraid map is still fullwidth
    2. I think Alex gets what I am talking about, yes auto is set to on, screen grab attached to show issue of map icons being cropped and text over icons.
    3. Text is still cropped and and sits on icons
    4. Using above link, pick the food and accommodation CPT and type baked, only the listings with bake in there title show, where as some of the profiles have ‘baked goods’ as part of there description.

    Thanks for looking at this,


    Post count: 29970

    1. I can see the 50px padding that Kor gave.

    3. Here are some CSS suggestions to change the CPT categories widget:

    .gd-cpt-widget-list .gd-cpt-wrow {overflow: initial:}
    .gd-cpt-widget-list {margin-bottom: 50px;}
    .gd-cpt-widget-list .gd-cpt-wrow .gd-cpt-name {height: 40px;}

    Adjust as required, see

    4. This is the result I get:
    I guess maybe you are talking about the autocomplete, that is only for listing titles.
    See more at



    Mike Anderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 53

    Thanks guys,
    1. I see it now too, must have been a caching thing.

    3. Thanks for those I will give them a try, reading the customising link now:-)

    4. So does a search cover all the text fields for a listing or are any fields excluded? Just want to be sure we put information for listing in the correct place. I understand others can be added to advanced search, check boxes and the like.

    Any thoughts on the map not zooming thing? I am using the Open Streetmap if that has any bearing.



    Post count: 29970

    GD will check the entry titles, description and taxonomies (tags and categories) of the listings.
    The search will not check custom fields or locations.
    The search will only search one Custom Post type at the time.

    See more at


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