Linked CPSs

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Pepita Bos
    Full Member
    Post count: 78

    I love the Linked CPTs option. There is only one chance to use them per CPT.

    I would like to be able to use them twice. As I see it you could use the Linked CPT for an alternative listing, or for a related/cross-sell listing.

    So between CPTs I use related. So if the listing is about holiday homes in Spain, the related CPT could be vacation books on Spain.

    So within the CPT I could use alternative listing, say alternative holiday homes, but perhaps I would also like to use related/cross-selling, say car rental listings. But I can only use the linked CPT once and it would be strange to have both car rental listings and alternative holiday homes in one list.

    Would it be an option to research if there are more people with a similar need and add it?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can do that now, link to more than one CPT.
    Add another CPT and the field will appear on the CPT predefined fields list.

    (At least, I think so, if I understand you correctly.)

    It is not possible to create a link to “Places” twice, though…just one link per CPT.


    Pepita Bos
    Full Member
    Post count: 78

    OK was too rushed writing that. Did not explain that correctly at all! Sorry.

    Say you have a CPT with books and you want to recommend books (on Marketing for instance) (so it is a link to the same CPT) that are about the same topic (RELATED) but you also want to recommend books that are about another topic (Business Strategy for instance) (CROSS-SELLING). The first category you could name Top 5 Alternative Books. The second one you could name Other relevant books. Except that you can only name the Linked CPT once and you cannot set up the link twice.

    So if you could link to the CPT twice (or perhaps even more), the option I am describing would enrich the content. Within the CPT you could give alternatives, or within the CPT you could cross-sell. You could then see that in the Detail Listing Side Bar for instance

    Hope it make more sense now.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    We have a different way of doing something like that, using the List Manager Addon

    The way it works is, anything that the User has reviewed, they can add that to a list. The list itself shows as a list of listings.

    The objective is to encourage reviews.

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