Listing directory by region

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    Paul Henderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    I’ve created a listing directory with CPTs and categories. It is a global app. The users are not happy using the manual search feature provided with geodirectory to find local listings.

    I want to set up a simple hierarchical UI like on most travel sites. Pick a country (from an image or a list), then Pick a region/state (from an image or list), then be presented with a list of available Listings in that region ( sorted by CPT and CPT/Category). This seems like it should be simple but I can’t figure out how to set it up.

    The [gd_cpt_categories] short code provides the last step, but I need this to be first sorted by location per above. For example if the user is in US/California I want this short code to show the CPTs by category for CA only, and enable the user to get the list of just the California listings. I presume if this is not in the short code there would be a custom query that could filter this and ‘hard code’ it to the menu?

    Could you advise me or send a sample (and/or sample query)?


    Post count: 29970

    The easiest to do that is add the Location Switcher to the menu:

    Also available as a shortcode to stick in a text widget:

    You can also add this shortcode to a WP page:

    This may also work for you:

    I think you are over-complicating it, all these pages are automatically built by GD without any shortcodes being required. I suggest you add these shortcodes to a test page to see your GD pages:


    Add the CPT Categories widget to a GD Home section and adjust the settings so on the CA page it only shows the CA categories:



    Paul Henderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    I’ve tried these various short codes but none works as I’d want. The location switcher seems to only work for displays on the map not lists of listings. The cpt_categories is nice on the surface but very odd that it displays unrelated columns. Countries, Regions, Cities are all listed but not related. If you click through the Countries then reveals relevant Regions and in turn relevant cities but having these all on one page without filtering is confusing to a users.

    I think I will need to build out more focused menus using the location URLs. What I want is for a person to pick a country, then be shown available regions, then be show listings in that region or drill down further to cities before showing listings. So far I don’t see any way to set that in these shortcodes.


    Post count: 29970

    Please post your URL and WP admin details in a private reply and we will show you what settings to use for the widgets etc. Thanks

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