Location > Import from v1 to v2

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Mike Lee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 46


    I’ve just discovered something weird and wonderful when importing our Places from v1 to v2.

    All Places imported, however some Places are missing attributes, whilst some do not.

    Q. Any ideas how that can happen ?

    We exported from v1 then massaged the columns as per v2 export.

    It’s important that we import Places data as the main User workflow is to re-list their item.

    No problem to supply import csv and user login.




    Post count: 16516

    Hi Mike Lee,

    Thanks for your post. Could you tell us a little bit more about the missing information? Are you referring to the missing custom fields? Please go through this FAQ and see if it helps. https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/geodirectory/settings/import-export/#faq


    Mike Lee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 46


    We laboured through the process and were careful to have the Places fields in correct label, indexes, formats and column order. The link you provided assisted us to transform images, all of which imported 🙂

    I’m puzzled why some Places have ‘price’ and custom fields (Eg. ‘contactName’), but some do not when both have data in their respective rows.

    As mentioned happy to provide the keys, the v2 site is not in production yet so no need to tread too carefully..




    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If you have not made changes to the listings on the new server then you can always rerun the import. Just delete the listings and run the import again.

    If you want to do that, then, make sure to follow the recommended procedure and add a sample listing first with all data so the import can be matched exactly to the export of the sample listing.

    If there is a problem with that you can post both sample data export and import files here for us to take a look. Just zip the files first into a *.zip file to attach them.

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