Lots of issues with GeoDir v.2

This topic contains 24 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    As to Kor’s comments.

    I will share the access a bit later.
    I hear what you guys are saying about that it is not GD issue, I would be surprised if it is, I just exhausted any other explanations.

    Please consider this:

    – After the first time automatic upgrade happened, not only I double-checked the settings, I went as far as opening a ticket with them and asked to take our website completely out of the SiteGround auto-update system. I have a confirmation from their senior admins that they did as requested.
    – And then GD got auto-updated again.

    As improbable as this is a GD issue at this point I have no logical explanations and have to ask for your advice.

    I will double-check with them again, and if SiteGround reply remains ‘sorry, deffinitely not us’, I will give you access.

    Thank you.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    It boggled me for a bit when i first came across it, i was logging every WP action and still nothing showed, then i realised it must be server-side. It also took a while to get it disabled the last time, not sure if its caching on their end or what.



    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    Stiofan, as to your comment about their autoapdate system.
    That was my first thought too, even before opening this ticket.

    Please read the comments that I left to Kor. The website was actually taken off their auto-update system and I have a confirmation from SiteGround senior admins that it was done.

    Barring the fact that they screwed up somehow, there it is impossible for anything to be autoupdated at the moment using their own system.

    I will double check with them and will keep you posted.

    Thank you.


    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211
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    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    Here is an update from SiteGround

    As suspected – they confirmed that there is no way anything could have been updated automatically.
    You confirmed that there is no way GD is forced to be auto-updated on your end.
    Quite an impasse.

    I undestand that there is nothing you can add to what you said already.

    We have already deactivated the WordPress core, theme and plugin updates for the installation at allontario.ca. I have checked that matter and also see my colleague confirmed in a ticket with ID 3126226.

    With that being said, I confirm that we do not force any updates of the theme, the plugins or core version from the server-end (hosting end).


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    They do have a tool to auto-update, which affected other customersof ours. We don’t have a single line of code that could do that anywhere.

    For me what happened is pretty clear…

    Either someone on your end launched the updates or they disabled their tool after the incident was reported.

    I don’t see any other logic explanation.


    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    I tend to think at this point that this is SG fault as well. A flat denial from their 2-level support really erodes trust in them. Not the first time it happened with SG actually.
    I wish customers were smarter and go with WP Engine (my preferred option).

    Which leads me to the question – (I’m not looking for a guarantee, only for a non-binding opinion) – in your opinion which hosting gives your customers the least the number of problems.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Any hosting provider that is wise enough to stay away from an auto-updating feature on their server, should do it.

    We never had problems with several hosting providers.

    Cloudways, Kinsta, A2 just to name few… TBH WP Engine and their very aggressive cache system have given us troubles in the past, however, with V2 it should work quite well.

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