Multiselect field not displaying properly in detail(single listing) page

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  • #60848

    John Ashok
    Expired Member
    Post count: 6


    There is a bug when a Multi-select field is displayed in detail(single listing) page.

    We followed the following guidelines for this field :

    If using OPTGROUP tag to grouping options, use “{optgroup}OPTGROUP-LABEL|OPTION-1,OPTION-2{/optgroup}

    but when it is displayed in detail(single listing) page, {optgroup} gets appended to it.

    Also can be remove the group title followed by the pipe symbol(|) of each options when displaying it.

    Option Value which we used:

    {optgroup}Africa|East Africa/East Africa,Middle Africa/Middle Africa,North Africa/North Africa,West Africa/West Africa,South Africa/South Africa,Sub-Saharan Africa/Sub-Saharan Africa{/optgroup},{optgroup}Asia|East Asia/East Asia,Central Asia/Central Asia,South Asia/South Asia,South-East Asia/South-East Asia,West Asia/West Asia{/optgroup},{optgroup}Europe|East Europe/East Europe,West Europe/West Europe,South Europe/South Europe,North Europe/North Europe{/optgroup},{optgroup}Americas|Latin America/Latin America,Caribbean/Caribbean,Central America/Central America,South America/South America,North America/North America{/optgroup},{optgroup}Oceania|Australia & New Zealand/Australia & New Zealand,Melanesia/Melanesia,Micronesia/Micronesia,Polynesia/Polynesia{/optgroup}


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi John,

    You are entering the values wrong, you only need the “/” if you are using it as a tick filter so you only need this:

    {optgroup}Africa|East Africa,Middle Africa,North Africa,West Africa,South Africa,Sub-Saharan Africa Africa{/optgroup},{optgroup}Asia|East Asia,Central Asia,South Asia,South-East Asia,West Asia{/optgroup},{optgroup}Europe|East Europe,West Europe,South Europe,North Europe{/optgroup},{optgroup}Americas|Latin America,Caribbean,Central America,South America,North America{/optgroup},{optgroup}Oceania|Australia & New Zealand,Melanesia,Micronesia,Polynesia{/optgroup}



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