Hi, am trying to understand teh behaviour of neigbourhoods and trying to see how i can set these up ,and use these. As i do not have lat/long of neighbourhoods or listing addresses, i tried importing listings from CSV , as well as adding neigbourhoods (NBH), with the same (approximate value of city centre) lat/long in all cases, and then opening the listing and clikcing on “Set address on map”
1. With listings, i find that the pin moves to the correct location on the map, as per the street address, and the lat/long are updated correctly and can be saved. However the street address field gets messed up with some number or text whcih replaces the imported value ( reported in another ticket https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/set-address-on-map-replaces-the-street-address-with-a-random-number/#post-475081)
2. However with neigbhourhoods, if i open and click “set address on map” the pin does not move and lat/long are not updated.
Is the different behaviour of the ‘set address on map’ button expected?
And is there some other way to get lat/long and Map Pin of neighbourhoods to be set correctly?