non-variable tab or sub tab

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    Victor Cardona
    Full Member
    Post count: 177


    Could you please let me know how I could add text or images as a non-variable (non user input) tab?

    On a detail page, I would like to take user input and output this input(e.g., text and an audio file) to a tab and subtab but between these or at the beginning of the tabs I would like to put in my own text or image that is a constant on the particular tab of each detail page.
    Thanks in advance for the help.
    Best regards,
    Victor Cardona


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Edit the GR Details template and add whatever you like.

    Shortcodes will render field values but any other code you add will be the same on each Listing.


    Victor Cardona
    Full Member
    Post count: 177

    Thanks, Alex.

    I understand that I can edit the GD detail template at the appropriate page, but could I edit what appears in a particular tab so that if a user doesn’t add information that pertains to a particular tab then the tab won’t appear?

    For example, at the below page, first tab (which is open), I would like to add some text above or below the audio file that has been uploaded by the user.

    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Victor,

    Thanks for your reply. Try using the custom CSS code below to display texts above the audio file.

        content:"This is a Music";

    Victor Cardona
    Full Member
    Post count: 177

    Thanks, Kor.

    I understand that if I use this CSS it would appear before each instance of an MP3 file. If I am not correct please let me know.

    Is it possible to include the same text consistently in just one tab of a detail page as a subtab so it would be above or below field values added by a user? In the example at the below link, it would be above or below the audio file input by a user on this tab but not everywhere a MP3 file is utilized.

    Separately, is there a way to avoid displaying an audio file name. On this page the audio file uploaded by a user is displayed for example and it would be great to hide it.

    Thanks for your help.
    Best regards,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Placing items conditionally can be done with CSS or with he GD Dynamic Content or with Pricing Manager package settings. That’s a lot of tools. But, in order to use any of them, the conditions have to be clear and a match for the tool.

    Why would the text show or not show?

    If it is because of a field, the you can use GD Dynamic Content.

    If it is because of logged in or out, you might use CSS.

    If it is because of a paid or particular package then use the price packages.

    GD Badges are also based on a field. Why not try that, for starts?


    Victor Cardona
    Full Member
    Post count: 177

    Thanks, Alex.

    I will take a look at these tools.

    I am looking to display additional text adjacent a user input field on a tab of a detail page whenever that tab of the detail page is displayed.

    Appreciate the help.

    Best regards,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    None of the tools respond to tabs, exactly, but, they can work with fields, if a field is filled or empty or a particular value.

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