Question about Radio, Select and Multi Select fields

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  • #529504

    Post count: 802


    I have some doubts about Option Values in Radio, Select and Multi Select fields:

    1) Is it possible to add Option Values at any time?
    2) Is it possible to remove Option Values at any time?
    3) Is it possible to change the name of existing Option Values at any time?
    4) Is it possible to change the order of existing Option Values at any time?

    Example of Option Values already setup:

    {optgroup}Migdia Feiners,Sopar Feiners,Cap Setmana i Festius,Fórmules,Grups{/optgroup}

    By “at any time” I mean after having added GD listings using those already existing Radio, Select or Multi Select custom fields.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 29970

    I am sure that is not a problem, but I will get the developers to confirm.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Values (not labels) that are stored in a field are stored in the field.

    Changing the Values in the options field, their order, or spelling, will not change values that exist in the database.

    Custom fields in the form are saved on update. If an option value is no longer available (because it has been removed in the field options), then, on edit of the listing with that removed value, that option value will no longer be selected as an option when the listing is edited, and therefore cannot be entered again as a value for that field.


    Post count: 802

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    I have read and reread it several times and, to be frank, I feel that I still need to read it again several times and make additional efforts to understand what you mean exactly.

    In the meantime, I remain in doubt about the concrete responses to my specific questions. 😀

    Thank you very much once again for your attention and help.

    Best regards.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1) Is it possible to add Option Values at any time?


    2) Is it possible to remove Option Values at any time?


    3) Is it possible to change the name of existing Option Values at any time?


    4) Is it possible to change the order of existing Option Values at any time?


    However, changing any of the options in the field will not update the values that are stored in the listings (in the database).


    Post count: 802

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    After a few days I believe that finally the right question came to my mind.

    Do you mean that if, for example, I add a listing with these Option Values set:

    {optgroup}Migdia Feiners,Sopar Feiners,Cap Setmana i Festius,Fórmules,Grups{/optgroup}

    And later I change them by:

    {optgroup}Sopar Feiners,Migdia Feiners,Cap Setmana, Festius,Fórmules,Penyes, Especials{/optgroup}

    the listing already added will use the old Option Values and the new listings will use the new ones?

    If the response is yes, is there some way to get that the listings already added use the new Option Values? Should I edit them one by one?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 29970

    The existing listings will only use the “old” options until the listing is edited in any way.
    If you want to change the existing data in bulk, you can export, edit and re-import.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Guust,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    I was fearing it.

    This post is a clear example of writing questions thinking as an user and writing responses thinking as a developer.

    As an user I do no think in databases, but only in utility. In fact, I have to admit that databases are conceptually very distant to me. I am far from thinking at any time that whatever I want to do is directly related to some intriguing internal stuff in a database.

    From an user point of view, my initial questions could be easily responded like this, for example:

    “The response to all your questions is yes, but keep in mind that changes in Option Values will be applied only to new listings and that old listings need to be edited to get the changes. This is because the Option Values are saved together with all the listing fields in the database.”

    By the way, I think that this is what the user wanted to mean in this review:

    I believe that you have basically these two kind of customers: those thinking as developers (that I tend to believe that are far more faster, efficient and succesful with their GD developments) and those, like me, thinking more as users (that I tend to believe that are far slower and inefficient with their GD developments and have to deal much more with misunderstandings, bad assumptions and, consequently, also with frustration).

    I am configuring a new GD CPT for Real Estate and Vacation Renting Properties and every day I have and I discover new ideas for fields and option values looking at portals like AirBNB,, Idealista or Fotocasa, as some examples..

    For flexibility, agility and innovation capacity sake it would be wonderful that changes in Select, Radio and MultiSelect fields Option Values could be much easier to handle and deploy in old and new listings.

    Please, do not take any of my comments as an ofense. I just wanted to profit from the occasion and bring my two cents. 🙂

    Best regards.


    Post count: 29970

    Exporting and re-importing is the fastest and simplest way.
    I am afraid databases are not as flexible as people’s brains 🙂

    And not offended at all. Sometimes a question we get can be interpreted in a few different ways, and we end up answering the wrong one 🙂
    Sometimes an answer can be interpreted in a few different ways, and the customer ends up interpreting it wrongly 🙂

    The pitfalls of the written word I guess!

    PS: a review of the documentation is being planned.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Guust,

    “Exporting and re-importing is the fastest and simplest way.”

    Sure from a developer’s point of view, but from an user point of view is simply frightening! 😀 😀 😀

    Best regards.

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