Remove "Import Details from Social" from CPT Add List but not another

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Darren Priest 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #541829

    Post count: 16516

    hi Darren Priest,

    Thanks for your post. Could you please login to the account where you purchased the “Social Importer” addon so that we could assist you further with this?


    Darren Priest
    Post count: 6

    Sorry the refund hasn’t come through yet, but I have repurchased the “Social Importer” again, along with other plugins. Thank you for the discount. It really helps. Could you help me out with this please?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please share a link to the page where you don’t want it to appear.

    Or you can do this yourself with CSS.

    The add listing page has a special body class for ‘add’ and for the CPT. Work with those to create CSS to hide that row only for that CPT add form.


    Darren Priest
    Post count: 6

    Hi Alex
    I’m afraid I only understand the first half of your reply, which shows my lack of knowledge. This is the page

    I started/expanded this directory because of the current crisis. I work for a charity that helps people get back to work. I want to help small businesses, hence the directory, and now I would like to be ready for the recovery by adding an integrated jobs directory. I can use WP Job Manager, but I think GD Directory is excellent would be happier integrating it and having search and connections to Listings.

    I want to:
    1. Add a job directory searchable by location
    2. Allow users to register and add a job from the front end
    3. Have those jobs show up, maybe in a widget (?), on that users Place Listing page

    I see others have asked similar, but that was prior to version 2 and I wasn’t able to make that work. I am immensely grateful for you support.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Css to hide social importer on specific CPT add listing page

    body.geodir-page-add.geodir-form-gd_jobs div#gd-social-importer {
        display: none;

    Add CSS to the Customizer

    WP Backend – Appearance – Customizer – Additional CSS

    Next steps

    Finished with UsersWP integration settings?


    Darren Priest
    Post count: 6

    Hi Alex
    Well the first part was like Magic! If you’d been here, I would have applauded you. Problem solved.

    I will follow the steps linked to. Thank you!


    Darren Priest
    Post count: 6

    Hi Alex
    Sorry! How do i have a ‘Log in or Register’ option on the Add Job page? I cannot seem to get the steps.


    Darren Priest
    Post count: 6

    Hi Alex
    I used the login widget in the sidebar to fix it. Some things seem overly complicated and then others are a charm. I do like this Geodirectory though. Thanks.

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