reset (without any reason) of the fields of a Category

This topic contains 21 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Giacomo,

    Please see our support policy here:

    We exclusively provide support for the latest version of both the Core plugin, add-ons and themes.

    Please update so we can help further.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Dear Stiofan, usually your support has been reliable and precious.

    Sincerly I dont understand your behaviour in this situation.
    I have read the release notes of the GD Software , and Nothing has been changed from the 1.6.8 version (running in my server , that is a stable version) to the last version 1.6.15
    The improvements you released in the last versions do not influence or fix the bug of Custom Post Type Fields (the bug we are talking about)
    I think Kiran did not use properly FTP, and I think he did not understand that the bugs is about Fields of Custom Post Type (CPT) and is not about WPML Traslations.

    I gave you the credentials to access our server December the 24th, Kiran could’nt access the server , I do not how or why he could’nt and we tried to support them.

    I think that this behaviour and this support in this situation is not professional. Now , after 10 days and after 16 post about this bugs you say that you are not going to support us?

    every time you release a new version, we have to test again your software to look for regression bugs or new bugs, and usually there are several.
    every time you release a new version, we have to do again the look of the web site, because the new version modifies also the CSS, dispite the fact that a new version should not modify the CSS.
    every time you release a new version, some of plugins stop properly working.
    A new version is always a risk while now we have the 1.6.8 version that is stable


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    We can not recreate the problem on our test servers, so we need to eliminate the variables, there have been many changes that could contribute to this problem, it could even be a change by you, if you are running the same versions as out test servers then it will help track down the problem. We have asked you 3 times now to update.

    As always, if you find any bugs in our products just report them and they will be fixed.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Dear Stiofan,
    it would have been enaugh, if you have spend 15 minutes of your time to recreate the problem on Your test servers, and you would have find out that the bug is still open in the version 1.6.15
    and About the investigation of the bug, you has not even had access to the server via FTP just to have a look.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    That is what i am telling you, we have tried and could not recreate the problem.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Hi Stiofan and Kiran , we have isolated the bug and we are going to implement a work around.

    The problem occurs when the value of the CPT Field contains a blank.

    For example the field “Advance Notice” can have the following values 0 day, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days

    the blank between the number 1 and the word “day” it was the cause of the bug.

    Ciao Giacomo


    Post count: 29970

    Please also see
    I have not followed or understood the whole topic here, I just saw Giacomo’s last reply, so I might be completely off-topic.

    Do not leave spaces between values when separated with commas.

    Ignore if irrelevant.

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