Setup of location page and google

This topic contains 30 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    After more experimentation I see that when you select a location on those demos then all the content becomes from that location on all the other pages. This is EXACTLY what i need. How do you set this up? I see 0 actually workable instructions saying how to achieve this.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    This is so frustrating guys. This website was supposed to be done a long time ago and i’m getting hung up on details that i feel you can clear up by simply saying add [shortcode] to the listings page… I am not understanding why you can’t help me with this

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    Also the locations page still doesn’t work. I just added some test events and places to toronto and it gives me everything from the site not from just toronto and the map doesn’t give me any results either. what am I doing wrong? I’ve custom coded sites, used countless plugins and have never had this much trouble getting something to work in my life. Can you help? You have the login credentials can you take a look? I don’t care if i have to pay you to help I’m sick of trying to get this to work


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Post count: 29970

    I just added some test events and places to toronto and it gives me everything from the site not from just toronto and the map doesn’t give me any results either.

    I have been doing some testing on your site, and there seems to be a little bug with how the categories are displayed on the map when your events are not in a parent category but only a child category.
    If you add the parent category for the listings, then it all works fine.
    I will get a developer to have a closer look too.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    Were you able to find out what the bug was?

    Also to @stiofan O’Connor your response is more proof of exactly the problem. You just spewed out a bunch of jargon and didn’t actually address any of my issues. Everything is so incredibly general. I have yet to find any real world examples of how to do certain things.

    Case in point, my next issue is every single listing I post is automatically set to featured. This makes no sense as you’re supposed to have to purchase a featured ad. In your documentation it does not have any reference of how to achieve this. You can feature a package and it mentions that you can sell a feautured product but does not tell you how to do it.

    I don’t know how you expect people to use your plugin in any meaningful way without proper documentation. I use new plugins and software almost every day without any issues but as soon as I fire up the website build with your plugin I instantly get extremely frustrated because it’s not organized very well. I don’t doubt it does everything I need very well. Once I get things working it seems fantastic but it should not be this difficult to setup. I’ve asked you guys for help multiple times and it’s been frustrating getting any resonponse from you.

    I do not have skype but I’d be ok with a phone call, facebook call, or anything like that


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    Let’s try and fix that parent child issue asap. Most people won’t click on multiple categories when posting something.

    If I can get the featured ad part fixed too that would be amazing.

    I really don’t mean to be difficult I just want the site to work.


    Post count: 29970

    Case in point, my next issue is every single listing I post is automatically set to featured. This makes no sense as you’re supposed to have to purchase a featured ad. In your documentation it does not have any reference of how to achieve this. You can feature a package and it mentions that you can sell a feautured product but does not tell you how to do it.

    Please review :

    Featured and Price Packages
    The pre-defined “Featured” field has a special integration with Pricing Manager. Read more about the Featured field.

    When you use the featured custom field and only want to it to be available for some packages and not others, you will have to set up your system so it has different packages, some with the featuring, and some not.
    I checked your settings and it looks like you fixed that already.
    If you want it to be automatically featured, you should change the “unchecked” setting to “checked.
    If you do not want your users to be able to choose it not to be featured, then you can hide the option with CSS:

    #featured_row {display: none;}

    Support is only provided here, see

    How we provide support
    We provide Support Services in English, only through our Support Forums. Please refrain from posting in foreign languages as your posts will be deleted. We do not provide Support through any other channel (including, but not limited to direct e-mail, Social Networks, Skype or over the phone).

    If there are any other issues you want assistance with, be as specific as you can, and include URLs and screenshots and details of listings etc where we can see the issue so we know where to start looking for the solution.

    I will alert the developers to the category problem again.



    Post count: 29970

    We had a closer look now, and that seems to be a bug. A task has been added to have a look at the sub-category issue on the map.
    If you can post FTP details, then we can fix it on your site as soon the bug is fixed.
    We’ll keep you posted. Thanks


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    I didn’t fix anything.

    Everytime you try and post something it appears as featured no matter what. This makes the pricing manager relatively useless. I have setup packages already. This is incredibly frustrating. You are not listening to my issues and are failing to help me fix anything. At this point we’re pretty much going to lose this client.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    Also it’s so bizarre that one person asked me for my skype contact then you come back and say you only give support here.


    Post count: 29970
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I have sent you a google hangouts invite, let me know if you don’t get it.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 68

    Hey guys, I figured it out this morning. When creating the packages I have to “exclude” the featured part. I was confused by your answers and thought you were telling to find a field called “featured”

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