Simpler Directions for Mobile

This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  leonce153 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    I’ve been using my own site frequently since I launched it, and one of the biggest problems, which I would consider a gaping hole in its mobile usability, is the lack of a simple Directions button that opens up a Maps app. This should be somewhere on the default page, not under one of the tabs, and it should pass the destination address to the app, and not require that I enter my current location first.

    Am I missing something? Thanks.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I would suggest explaining how exactly you would want it to work and adding a request for people to vote on it here:



    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    I understand that feature requests need to be up-voted, but this seems like a very basic issue of mobile functionality. I can create a request, but this seems like core functionality, not a handy extra feature.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I am not exactly sure how you expect it to work, if you create the request then please link to it, if not please reply with details of how you expect it to work.




    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    I added the request, but it does not yet appear to have been approved and published. This is what I’m thinking of:

    When you click the Address bar, it immediately opens that address in Google Maps.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    To me it seems more handy like something on http://www. where the map loads the address into a get directions bar, and you enter your starting point, and it tells you how to get there.


    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    That is literally useless when I am driving. I don’t know where I’m at, I don’t need step-by-step directions: I need Google Maps open with the destination address, and that’s it.

    Yelp’s implementation on mobile is perfect.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    But the system already has what you want, -> look under map tab , and your address is already listed on detail page.

    what I said is more useful and adds new feature, could be relatively easy to integrate since it still uses google maps, and gave an example of another wp plugin that does it. Think restaurant directories or specialty stores, people could really use an easy way to get directions , otherwise they are required to go to a directions app like mapquest


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    think what your users want, not everyone might be so good with directions as you


    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    No, the system does NOT do what I am talking about. It wants me to enter my address in order to give me step-by-step directions on the website.

    I want my destination to open in Google Maps with a single tap.

    This has nothing to do with my proficiency with directions. I want to use an *external* maps app for directions while driving and using my cell phone.

    The system is absolutely worthless on mobile as it currently exists.

    When the address section, surrounded in red, is tapped, the Google Maps app opens with the location’s address set as the destination, and from there the Maps app takes over and determines the user’s current location in order to supply directions. One tap, that’s all. Idiot-proof.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319


    1st. I am another wpgeo member, not a mod or anything.

    2nd. Im from Oklahoma, I dont need someone from Texas lecturing me.

    3rd. WPgeo directory does not ask you to enter an address to get directions. I was saying this is something they could Add to make what they do have better.

    4th. In your directory detail page, tap on MAP tab. -> That will open google map with a single tap.

    5. What I said is an EXACT match to what yelp does -> see attached image,

    6. If I dont want the NSA to know precisely where I am as I am speeding down the highway why would I want your directory to know.

    7. Pull over and enter your starting address so you dont crash while driving.


    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    I understand that you’re not a mod. You just commented so I responded to your comment.

    That’s the Chilean flag, not the Texan flag. You’re far from the first one to make that mistake, and I don’t discriminate people based on the geographical location of their mothers’ uterus on their day of birth, so I won’t respond in kind to your disparaging comment implying that I’m somehow inferior because of where you assumed that I was from.

    Now, if you would check out the site that I am working on, this page, for instance:

    I’m not seeing what I’m describing anywhere. I don’t want my site to determine the user’s location. I only want my site to pass the DESTINATION address to the user’s mobile mapping app, whether that is Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, Mapquest, or whatever, and then allow the mobile app to determine the user’s current location. That is what Yelp does. That is what my site does NOT do.

    I want a one-tap map link.

    The container works like this:

    <address class=”flex-box” itemprop=”address” itemscope=”” itemtype=””>
    <span itemprop=”streetAddress”>146 Essex St</span>, <span itemprop=”addressLocality”>New York</span>, <span itemprop=”addressRegion”>NY</span> <span itemprop=”postalCode”>10002</span>
    <div class=”extra”>
    <span class=”cross-streets”>
    between Stanton St & Rivington St
    <span class=”neighborhood-str-list”>
    Lower East Side </span>


    <i class=”i ig-main i-progressive-disclosure-arrow-main”></i>

    The entire Address section, which on mobile should appear right below the images, is a link to Google Maps, which on mobile, opens in the Maps app.

    It seems like this is taking a lot more effort to explain than it should.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Its cool,

    What i am saying with the example to what to add will provide Exactly what you are saying you want since the example I gave uses google maps the same way that yelp uses google maps to enter address, and if your geofinder is turned on on your device it will probably enter that info, this is a google thing(i keep my geofinder stuff off and dont get the same automatic input that you have.
    I dont know if wpgeo can enable the get directions in google map or not, but I gave an example of another wp plugin that comes close so maybe there is hope. Its probably just configuring google maps to do it for wpgeo.

    -> LOL-> I should also clarify, I am dual nationality. I was Born in USA, my other nationality is Bolivia. Yo no discrimino a nadie, por lo contrario creo que usted ha juzgado a mi persona para presumir que soy algun tipo de racista. En los EEUU oklahoma y texas son rivales de football y es un gran broma la competencia entre los dos estados. –>>lol No hablare sobre la relacion entre bolivia y chile


    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    I have the Share Location plugin turned off as well; until it defaults to “Everywhere” instead of the assumed geographic location of the visitor, it’s useless for my site. I tried all of the settings and it wouldn’t work.

    I guess, if I tinkered with the plugin’s code, I could turn the Address section into a Google Maps link, and place it further up above the fold, but that seems like a basic core functionality that is missing.

    The main use of a site with this plugin’s functionality is to find a location. When doing that on a mobile device, making it a one-step process to get directions seems like a given. I’m not sure what needs to be done, but this would be a massive improvement.

    Comprendo su chiste porque en realidad soy Tejano jajaja. El país de mi nacimiento es el EEUU, pero el país de mi elección es Chile. También comprendo las problemas entre Bolivia y Chile desde la guerra de la Pacifica. No fue mi culpa. 😀


    BL Interactive
    Expired Member
    Post count: 83

    Would it madness to integrate the location finder (near me) that is in the advanced search to auto populate the visitors location so the directions are quicker?

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