Split: How run neighbourhood?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years ago.

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    Paul Henderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Hi, I’m just catching up on this topic. I LOVE the new neighbourhood feature but can’t use it without CSV import. From reading this string it looks like it is not available yet in Social Importer 1.1.8? Is that correct?

    If not, any idea on when it will be updated? I know you can’t commit but are we talking days, weeks, or months to develop? I need to make some implementation decisions and any ETA would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    You should be able to use neighbourhoods without any problem. Create them at Multilocations > manage locations > select a location > add neighbourhood
    Then you can add listings in that neighbourhood from both frontend and backend.

    If importing a listing using the Social Importer, you should be able to select a neighbourhood after the import if you set it up correctly in the backend.


    Paul Henderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Hi, yes I see that can work, but I have WAY more many neighborhoods than locations (of course many for each) so I really need the bulk CSV input of neighborhoods.I presume this would just add more fields to the country/region/city structure you have.

    Right now I don’t see neighborhood column names being output in the Export CSV from locations where I have manually input neighborhood data. And it does not appear that the input is there, at least not in the CSV Input example. Does the importer support neighborhood fields? If so can you provide an example CSV field?


    Post count: 29970

    I think that is being worked on, I’ll confirm.
    You wrote ” …neighbourhood feature but can’t use it without CSV import …”
    so I thought you meant it literally (because you can use it without CSV import), but you meant that it is not useful for you because it has no import function yet.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    this is already available in the development version : https://github.com/GeoDirectory/geodirectory/archive/master.zip

    See image attached.

    If you install it, use it at your own risk. The stable version of it will be released before the end of the month for sure.



    Paul Henderson
    Expired Member
    Post count: 55

    Nice. I’ll wait for the final version. Related question, is there a setting to change the name of the visible field (on the front end user side) from ‘neighbourhood’ to a custom word like ‘area’ or ‘campus’, etc?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Not an option, but you can do that via translation file.


    In this case from the Location manager add-on: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/translating-addons/


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