Hello again,
Vlad here 🙂
I got your support with other issues, thank you, you are great! but regarding Supreme theme, I still have no response. I wrote a ticket on the 10th of Feb, and opened another one on 11th. Still no answer.
I can imagine you have a lot of requests, but still I am having trouble here understanding some issues, so I hope you can find some time to check & answer. Thanks!
– still when changing the theme from Starter to Supreme, the padlock dissapears in the adress bar, and Google Chrome shows the ‘i’ badge before the adress.
– At the same time, in Supreme, the “change location” menu dissapears from the menu &
– while it should run geolocation and show up the image of the city where the user is located, instead it shows the featured image of the home page.
Hope you will find some time to check this up and share some advice.
Thank you,