Translation Issue

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    Ray Scarpa
    Expired Member
    Post count: 84

    Having trouble updating just a few areas of text. We are trying to change both “Listing Title,” “Listing Description” and the text below the Category dropdown, all on the “Add Listing” page. We’ve made other changes with no problem, as recently as today, but can’t seem to get those to appear. They show as changed in the translation file. We are placing in path Root directory > httpdocs > wp-content > languages > geodirectory > as always, (along with the associated .po file) and other changes are working.

    I noticed that one of the items (I think it’s “Listing Title”) also has an instance in Payment translation file, so we made the same change to that one and uploaded with other updates. All those changes show properly as well, just not the Listing Title.

    Another issue on the Add Listing page is that some of the form fields are inconsistent with asterisks which indicate mandatory entries. Some have spaces before the asterisk and some do not. Tried adding a space to those we can edit in the translation file to fix but it doesn’t help (ignores spaces at the end of strings). Any thoughts on how to edit those?

    Also not critical, but is there some way to have the asterisk in “* Indicates mandatory fields” appear in the same red as the asterisks on the rest of the page?

    Thanks for your help! – Ray


    Post count: 29970

    Look for
    %s Description
    %s Title
    %s is replaced with the singular name of the CPT.

    The text below the category dropdown is in the PO file like
    SELECT listing category FROM here. SELECT at least one CATEGORY
    or in your category custom field [frontend description].

    Use something like this to highlight the “* Indicates mandatory fields” note:

    .geodir-note {color: red}

    To move an asterisk add a space behind the label in the language file.


    Ray Scarpa
    Expired Member
    Post count: 84

    In which language file will we find the %s Description and %s Title? “Listing Title” is in core and payment, “Listing Description” is only in payment. We have changed in both.

    We had successfully changed the text below the category you mentioned a few weeks ago but the most recent change will not appear. Is there some kind of character limit? The original text of “SELECT listing category FROM here. SELECT at least one CATEGORY” is in the translation file twice, one with the all caps and one without. We have changed in both places but only our original change appears. Will continue to try other options.

    We’ll try the “.geodir-note” code. Hopefully it will only target the Mandatory fields text.

    When you say “add a space behind the label…” do you mean before or after the text? We have added spaces after the text (before where the asterisk would appear) but that did not work.



    Post count: 29970

    I guess you are using an old language file, you will have to merge with the new one, see

    When I say “add a space behind the label…” I mean after the text in the language file, like in the image. You might need to use a non-breaking space as shown.

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