Hey it looks like you have used wrong translation string.
You current screenshot uses this string
<p>Thanks. The listing has been submitted successfully.</p><p>In order to publish the listing, kindly transfer amount of <u>[#$order_amt#] </u> in our bank. Our bank account details are mentioned below.</p><p>Bank Name : [#$bank_name#]</p><p>Account Number : [#$account_number#]</p><br><p>Please include the following reference : [#$orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#$submited_listing_link#]" >View your submitted listing »</a></p><br><p>Thanks for listing your listing at [#$store_name#].</p>
But we are not using that anywhere in our plugin although we defined that string.
You need to use this string instead for translation
<p>Thank you, your request received successfully.</p><p>To publish the listing please transfer the amount of <u>[#order_amt#] </u> at our bank with the following information :</p><p>Account Name : [#bank_name#]</p><p>Account Sort Code : [#account_sortcode#]</p><p>Account Number : [#account_number#]</p><br><p>Please include the ID as reference : [#orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#submited_information_link#]" >View your submitted listing</a><br><p>Thank you for visit at [#site_name#].</p>