Translation missing after update

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Giri 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Uta Künkler
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Hi, two of my text-blocks are not shown though available under “/wp-content/languages/geodirectory/”. they used to appear before I have just updated my plugins:
    – Within changing existing entries:
    — “This is a preview of your listing and its not published yet. <br />If there is something wrong then “Go back and edit” or if you want to add listing then click on “Publish”.<br> You are going to pay <b>%s</b> & alive days are <b>%s</b> as %s listing”
    — “Update Now”
    – on details page of an entry in the breadcrumb:
    — “Category”

    Also, I’ve lost my patch provided by Could you please “repatch” my version?


    Uta Künkler
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    if you have the payment manager add-on it will take over some of the translation regarding paid listings.

    That seems to be the case for your example.

    I asked to Giri to follow up for the second question. i thought he added that as a permanent fix.

    We’ll let you know asap.



    Uta Künkler
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Hi Paolo, I have already made all relevant translations in my language-directory under directory “geodir_payments”. I also regarded further parts missing now, such as place holder in my success page after buying a new entry (see attachment)


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    correct tags should be [#order_amt#] not [#$order_amt#].

    I asked to the developers to double check why the $ variable si in there…

    They’ll let us know asap.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Hey it looks like you have used wrong translation string.

    You current screenshot uses this string

    <p>Thanks. The listing has been submitted successfully.</p><p>In order to publish the listing, kindly transfer amount of <u>[#$order_amt#] </u> in our bank. Our bank account details are mentioned below.</p><p>Bank Name : [#$bank_name#]</p><p>Account Number : [#$account_number#]</p><br><p>Please include the following reference : [#$orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#$submited_listing_link#]" >View your submitted listing &raquo;</a></p><br><p>Thanks for listing your listing at [#$store_name#].</p>

    But we are not using that anywhere in our plugin although we defined that string.

    You need to use this string instead for translation

    <p>Thank you, your request received successfully.</p><p>To publish the listing please transfer the amount of <u>[#order_amt#] </u> at our bank with the following information :</p><p>Account Name : [#bank_name#]</p><p>Account Sort Code : [#account_sortcode#]</p><p>Account Number : [#account_number#]</p><br><p>Please include the ID as reference : [#orderId#]</p><p><a href="[#submited_information_link#]" >View your submitted listing</a><br><p>Thank you for visit at [#site_name#].</p>
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