Hi! I’ve been through numerous support articles and keep finding something new to try. Now, it looks like the last thing is to load a plugin that has something to do with “mime.”
That plugin says it hasn’t been updated for 3 years, so I thought it would be better to have you look at my test file before going there.
Here is the error I’m getting when trying to upload the file:
Array( [error] => Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.)x
I’ll upload the file below so hopefully you’ll find that the file isn’t correct somehow.
FYI – It has all the columns that were in your sample. It’s saved as a CSV UTF-8 version (which I read in your support somewhere). It does NOT have the latitude and longitude since it sounded like the latest version can fill that in on its own – which is good because the bulk geocode site you recommended is offline indefinitely.
Thank you for your help! 🙂