Trying to Upload File – NO FUN!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  coach dori 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    coach dori
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Hi! I’ve been through numerous support articles and keep finding something new to try. Now, it looks like the last thing is to load a plugin that has something to do with “mime.”

    That plugin says it hasn’t been updated for 3 years, so I thought it would be better to have you look at my test file before going there.

    Here is the error I’m getting when trying to upload the file:

    Array( [error] => Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.)x

    I’ll upload the file below so hopefully you’ll find that the file isn’t correct somehow.

    FYI – It has all the columns that were in your sample. It’s saved as a CSV UTF-8 version (which I read in your support somewhere). It does NOT have the latitude and longitude since it sounded like the latest version can fill that in on its own – which is good because the bulk geocode site you recommended is offline indefinitely.

    Thank you for your help! 🙂


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can also use the code snippet here, instead of the Disable Real Mime Type plugin. They both do the same thing.

    The post category in your sheet is incorrect, it should be the category ID.

    There may be other problems. The best approach is to add a listing, then export, then merge your data into the sheet you get from the export.

    For the snippet to allow CSV upload see:


    coach dori
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Hi Again!

    Okay, using the “Disable Real Mime Check” plugin and importing the same file that I exported (with 3 test listings), I was able to start loading the file without the array error.

    Now, here are the errors I got this time:

    Total 3 item(s) found.

    3 / 3 item(s) could not be added due to blank title/invalid post type/invalid characters used in data.

    Row 2 Error: Google geocode failed: REQUEST_DENIED
    Row 3 Error: Google geocode failed: REQUEST_DENIED
    Row 4 Error: Google geocode failed: REQUEST_DENIED’


    The only things I changed from the export file was I deleted the ID – which I thought I read needed to be done. I also deleted the latitude and longitude since I read that your V2 system would fill it in.

    Please let me know what I should do next. Thank you.


    coach dori
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    P.S. I didn’t “delete” the latitude and longitude from the new listings, since I didn’t have them. But, it was my understanding with the new V2 it was okay not to have them. Thanks again.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    You will need a Google Maps API Geocoding key. You can add that in the GD general settings

    GD – Settings – General – Show advanced – Geocoding key

    Request denied means that your site and the key do not have access to the geocoding API, that you have not allowed access in the API console.


    coach dori
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Thank You Alex!

    I don’t know what the settings mean, but I made the settings like you have them in the docs page you gave me and it worked.

    Thank you for your help! 🙂

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