updates, translations, BCC e-mails, Invoices

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  composito 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 50

    I encounter some various small problems with my version of GeoDirectory, are not arriving alone, I come to you to ask for help:

    1 – Updates.
    I can’t update some plugins because the registered license numbers and my updates license numbers are not the same.
    How to change those license numbers (these plugins are :Advanced Search, Custom Post Types, Events Manager, Location Manager, Payments Manager).

    2 – Translations
    I translated 100% of the files to be translated, though, there are some translations that do not. This is the text “featured” which appears in photos ads, it is “my invoice history”, and it is also the text of the ad verification page on the front office (images attachments).
    Or should you go to unlock or force translation.

    3 – Copies of emails.
    I disabled the sending of all mail copies sent to clients, I get them anyway (image attached). How to disable them succeed?

    4 – I can send an invoice to my client, by cons, it is impossible to view or edit it for me. How to make it work?

    5 – We wish to import data stream, but we encounter the following problem. When there are accented words, imports do not work or work poorly. The letters that pose problems are: “é”, “è”, “ô”.
    If one of these letters is in the title, region or city, the import will be done does not work in the front office. How to solve this problem?

    Thank you



    Post count: 29970

    1. De-activate the licence first, and then past and activate the new one.

    2. The featured banner is an image, and you will need to replace that.
    I think the missing translations are in the payment addon language files: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/translating-addons/

    3. That would require some investigation, we might need your URL and WP admin details in a private reply so we can have a look.

    4. Let’s check with the others.

    5. By making sure the CSV file is set to UTF-8 when adding content:


    Expired Member
    Post count: 50
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    Post count: 29970

    1. I see the message now if trying to de-activate. Escalated.

    2. The image is here:

    Create a new one and add it to your child theme, then add this CSS:

    ul li .geodir_featured_img {background: url(reference to your new image) no-repeat;}

    3. Escalated.

    4. Escalated.


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    I asked other developers to help.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I’ve cleared all your licenses by adding this to your 404.php template:

    <?php delete_option('geodir_licence_keys'); ?>

    Then I visited a non existant URL of your website to load that temaplate and it did the trick.

    I removed the code now and you can add the new licenses back.

    Let us know how you went,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 50

    Hi, i did it and it works. It’s cool, thank you!

    Now we only have 2 problems to solve.

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