Upgrade to paid listing trouble

This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Martin Steimann 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262


    today a client wanted to upgrade his package to a paid listing via coupon code. I got an admin email which confirmed that the listing has been edited. But the contained URL (strangely /11904-autosave-v1/) links to a 404 page and the listing has not been upgraded.

    The client has received an invoice for the upgraded listing, but still gets displayed the free listing data with an option to upgrade. I have received these autosave-v1 URLS more than once know and have now cloud why this happens.

    I logged in to my site by creating a test user and submitted a test listing, which I was able to upgrade to a paid listing via coupon code.

    I will provide you with credentials in the following E-Mail.



    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I added two listings, and upgraded them, using backend and frontend editors, and couldn’t see the error.

    What steps do I need to take?


    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262
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    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You had the claimed field marked as required.

    Please try now.


    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262

    Hello Alex,

    Thanks for testing the first part. The claim listing field was set as required on purpose and did not cause any issues so far, at least before July 31.

    So please log in with your test user account (not the admin account!) and try to upgrade your listing to PREMIUM. Please read my last post again, because that is the part where troubles arise.
    A) Browser alert (once or even twice): “Do you really want to leave the page?“
    B) No email that confirms the upgrade.
    C) Checkout page text not customizable (at least to a certain amount – I managed to translate the notice text, but failed to change the button text, as it disappears after changing ist to something else but Checkout)



    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262

    Please note that I have connected your test listing to your User Account. In order to nail the issues down I guess it is important to test the upgrade procedure as a user, not admin.

    * Going away from edit listing page always shows popup warning about unsaved changes – FIXED

    I just noticed the GD core update. Could this be the fix for the issue described in A) ?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    the claim process went fine for me in Chrome and Edge.

    About the email, please install the email log plugin from wordpress.org and let us know if the email does not show up in the log.

    The developers will take a look and see if they can find an issue.


    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262

    Hello Alex,

    please note that the described issue was NOT about any claim listing problems. To claim a listing has worked fine ever since.

    It is the upgrade to paid Premium listing which will lead to the problems A and B described in my previous post. Please reread again.

    And please try to upgrade the Basis-Eintrag to Premium-Eintrag now using your User Account, not the admin one.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I claimed and selected upgrade both times, no issue.
    Please send a screenshot of the issue so we can see what you mean.


    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262

    Just logged in as admin and found your listing „claim listing“ sill at free package level. (Screenshot A)

    Your listing can still be claimed and still be upgraded. (Screenshot B)

    No confirmation email was sent, probably because the upgrade process failed. (Screenshot C)

    I received an email after you have edited your listing (don’t know if it was after your attempt to upgrade to premium), which contains the above mentioned autosave URL. It is not valid and leads to a 404 page. (Screenshots D1 & D2)

    What else can I do to prove that there is a severe problem with the upgrade process, at least on my system? How comes it has worked before and I haven’t changed anything but updating to the latest GD version after June 31st?


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    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262
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    Martin Steimann
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 262
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