Upgrade to v2

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  • #505995

    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    Hi guys, finally upgraded one of my clients to version 2, I have to admit, pretty steep learning curve. For the most part, we’re in good shape. but have a couple of questions that I couldn’t figure out.

    Take a look at the old version’s sidebar

    View post on imgur.com

    1 – as marked
    I couldn’t figure out what is the widget in the version 2 the provides exactly the same functionality for managing your listings

    2 – as marked
    Popular categories widget – same story, couldn’t find it in version 2

    Categories overall look in version 1 looks like this

    View post on imgur.com

    and I like it

    By default upgraded version looks like this:
    Please take a look here:

    Is there a way to have the same look in version 2 as in version 1?

    The old page before the upgrade had a /places URL
    I had to use https://allontario.ca/business-listings/ for this one.
    If I simply rename a permalink page to places, it just doesn’t work.
    Any way to achieve it?

    Thank you.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I am not an employee or support staff member but I am a developer offering a fellow member some help which means I can not see your account or what version you are using. I also may not have all the answers but I can get you started in some cases.

    Welcome to Version 2 Elijah!

    The learning curve is a bit steep but trust me the mountain you are climbing is much more stable, flexible, and robust.

    1. Version 2 moved all of the Registration and User functionality to UsersWP.io which has a free version. If you install it, I am sure there is a widget to give you the login box you are looking for.

    2. I think a shortcode may accomplish this or one of the existing widgets that are specific to Geo Directory.

    Short Codes:
    A. Shortcode builder can help you build a shortcode if code is not your style -> https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/geodirectory/shortcode-builder/

    B. Shortcodes List https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/geodirectory/design-elements/

    I think this is the shortcode you want to use


    Widgets that can accomplish similar actions:

    A. There is the best of Widget. – top listings – works nice for smaller sites where fewer categories
    B. Recently Viewed Listings Widget – works with all types of sites big or small
    C. Recent Reviews Widget – great for when review and third-party-validation matter.

    3. This is theme dependent, but if are looking for different icons for each category you need to set them for each category. Here are some map icon resources that you may find helpful.


    If you mean the “boxes” aka the background color of the table elements then you can change those with CSS code to match the color of your website to essentially remove them.

    4. All of your custom post types slugs can easily be part of the URL, go to yourdomain.ext/wp-admin/options-permalink.php and scroll down until you see the GeoDirectory permalinks. They are in an additional section in addition to the Common permalinks. Changing common permalinks will not help.

    Feel free to reply if you get stuck or need clarification. Wish you the best!



    Post count: 29970

    1 – as marked
    I couldn’t figure out what is the widget in the version 2 the provides exactly the same functionality for managing your listings

    We suggest you use UsersWP, which has its own login widget.
    Then also use the GD Dashboard widget.

    2 – as marked
    Popular categories widget – same story, couldn’t find it in version 2

    Called GD Categories widget now.

    3.Categories overall look in version 1 looks like this and I like it
    By default upgraded version looks like this:
    Please take a look here:
    Is there a way to have the same look in version 2 as in version 1?

    You should be able to achieve that with your own custom CSS.

    4. The old page before the upgrade had a /places URL
    I had to use https://allontario.ca/business-listings/ for this one.
    If I simply rename a permalink page to places, it just doesn’t work.
    Any way to achieve it?

    See https://allontario.ca/places … ?
    Places is your Archive/category page.
    https://allontario.ca/business-listings/ is your Location page, like https://allontario.ca/business-listings/canada/ etc



    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    Thanks to both of you guys!

    Is it possible to make UserwWP registration a 2-way process:
    a. Account information provided and a confirmation email sent
    b. Only when user clicks on the link int he confirmation email the account is activated.

    2. Is there a way to control password complexity in Users WP and enforce at least medium strength passwords.

    3. Is there a way to redirect users after successful login or logout?
    it is best if they stay on the current page instead of being routed to the homepage.
    Do I need to install login redirection plugin for this?

    Thank you.


    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    OK, found it all in settings except password complexity question.
    You can ignore questions #1 and 3, but please let me know if anything can be done regarding #2

    Thank you


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Elijah Lokvkoff,

    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, there isn’t an option available for you to achieve #2. If you’ve specific questions regarding the Users WP plugin, please open a topic here https://userswp.io/support/forum/userswp-core-plugin/general-discussion/ .


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