V2: Page Buildering, Image Radius, Single Column Grid, Font Size and Centering

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    Jeremy Rangel
    Expired Member
    Post count: 36


    1) I want to style per page using a page builder (WpBakery Visual Composer), and apply specific CSS to various gd_listing shortcodes on the same page.

    For example, on my home page I want to have a list of upcoming Events that doesn’t show any image. On the same page, I want to have listings of Places that DO show the images. Can I wrap each shortcode in css selectors using Visual Composer and then apply CSS for specific pages? cg-2 shows what I mean.

    2) I want to remove the border radius for the images everywhere. In short, wherever I use the gd_listing shortcode I want there to be 0 radius on the images.

    3) Using Visual Composer, is there a way to use a gd_listings in grid view for a single column and have it fill the entire width? cg-1 jpeg shows what I am trying to accomplish.

    4) What is the css selector for the gd_listing font? I am trying to adjust the size and alignment.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. Yes, and if you are using widgets the advanced settings lets you set a custom class.

    2. Please send a link

    3. No, list view is the only ‘single column’ and has the image on the left.

    4. Please send a link


    Jeremy Rangel
    Expired Member
    Post count: 36

    coosguide.com is a link

    There are gd_listings on the homepage, but I want to get rid of the image radius site-wide.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jeremy Rangel,

    Thanks for your reply. It looks like you’ve deactivated the page builder plugin and I’m getting this as shown in the attached image. Could you check?



    Jeremy Rangel
    Expired Member
    Post count: 36

    Sorry about that. The homepage now has some listings, but note I am trying to make changes in areas other than the homepage.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for your reply. Could you refer to the answer I’ve given on this post and see if it helps? https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/image-container-selector/#post-476272

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