Warning: Illegal string offset 'htmlvar_name'

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    Greg Lennon
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Some of my entries display this error. An example can be found at:


    I have the latest versions of GeoDirectory Framework (1.5.8), Custom Post Types (1.2.6) and Location Manager (1.4.4).



    Post count: 29970

    You can suppress these warnings, see https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/faqs/help-i-get-a-php-warning-on-my-pages/

    But can you post your WP admin details in a private reply so we can have a look at your settings.


    Greg Lennon
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    You had spaces behind the commas in your options for the multiselect field.
    I removed them but that did not fix it.

    I thought it might be because you use ( and ) in your options so I tried to remove that too, but did not help.
    It might just be because your database now has invalid data, so maybe deleting all the data and fields and starting again might solve it, but I am not sure.
    Can you post your phpMyAdmin details so we can have a look at your database, unless you want to delete the fields and try again.


    Greg Lennon
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    You can have that data, but
    do not put spaces behind the comma of the options.
    I still am not sure which of the 3 custom fields gave you trouble, so just try adding custom fields and options slowly and test at every little step. Then you know when there was something wrong.

    How did you export your listings? There are quite a lot of”invalid” characters, like

    it when it�۪s finished.�۝



    Post count: 29970
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    Greg Lennon
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    I exported them through GeoDirectory Import/Export. Figured that was the most reliable way.

    A lot of the content came from the vendor websites…I didn’t really do any editing. Figured it would prompt me if I exceeded any limits. Having said that, I only stripped HTML formatting from them if it appeared to be a problem. I must have missed a few. I’ll go through the data and clean up the option data and see if that helps.

    I’ll re-post if that fixes the problem. Thanks for your help…


    Greg Lennon
    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    That worked. Pain in the butt to have to parse all that data and remove the crud, but once I did the import was successful. Thank you…


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome 🙂

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