What have I done to my site? :O

This topic contains 19 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #7208

    Post count: 29970

    If you want Accommodation > Cottages and Accommodation > Hotels
    then create a CTP Accommodation (Done), then a category Cottages and another category Hotels.

    Just rename some of your long names and long slugs to Cottages (name of category) and cottages (slug). Keep it simple.
    Then WP > Settings > permalinks and click Save.
    Then go through your listings > edit> adjust the category if required > save.

    You are linking from your menu to pages that do not exist.
    For example, you link to /accommodation/hotels/ but that should be /accommodation/dog-friendly-hotels-uk-europe because that is the slug for your CTP and your Hotels.


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    Free User
    Post count: 200

    A break through at last… When you said save the wp permalink settings, I think you meant the geodirectory permalink settings? That appears to have fixed the issue. Still don’t understand it though, I honestly don’t believe I changed any slugs!

    One thing, is it possible to change the menu styling somehow? At the moment when I dropdown the dog friendly attractions subcategory, it’s overlapped by the content below?

    Thanks for your help



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    Plz use Location switcher to check if u are in different location.


    Post count: 29970

    You should shorten the menu headings so you can fit everything in the one line. Menus like that are not supposed to be on more than one line. It looks a bit spammy too. I would just do Marketplace / attractions / accommodation / …
    Drop repeating the dog stuff.

    You are still linking to /accommodation/hotels/ from your menu, although the url should be /accommodation/dog-friendly-hotels-uk-europe because that is the slugs you use.

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